Trump received $ 1 billion to build a wall bypassing Congress - ForumDaily
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Trump received $ 1 billion to build a wall to bypass Congress

The Pentagon has notified Congress that it has authorized the transfer of $ 1 billion to the construction of "pedestrian fences" along the border between the United States and Mexico in the 57 miles (91,7 km).

Photo: video frame

The statement says that a fence height of 18 feet (5,4 meters) will be installed between Yuma and El Paso. A reporter from the New York Times tweeted that this is the first time that Pentagon tools are used under the 284 section.

284 section allows the Pentagon to "build roads and fences and install lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across the international borders of the United States in support of the federal law enforcement fight against drugs," the statement said.

Photo: video frame

The Pentagon made a statement against the backdrop of trump's victory over the democrats on the border wall issue. The House of Representatives is trying to overcome the presidential veto imposed on the congressional resolution on blocking the state of emergency imposed by Trump in order to receive money for the construction of the wall. But there is almost no chance that the House of Representatives will be able to overcome the veto. therefore state of emergency on the border is likely to continue, which will allow the president to transfer $ 3,6 billion from military projects to the construction of a fence along the south-western border.

“The president will be fine,” Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a brief interview. “The veto will not be canceled.”

Patrick Shanahan, acting head of the defense department, announced that the funds will be used to support the Department of Homeland Security, customs and border patrols. He authorized the Army Corps of Engineers to begin planning and implementing this decision.

A group of Democratic senators criticized the Pentagon’s move and called the maneuver a violation of Congress appropriations. Democrats called the introduction of a state of emergency "the crisis created by Trump."

Photo: video frame

Even though his veto remains unchanged, Trump may not be able to spend money on the wall quickly due to lawsuits from opponents of such a decision, which can drag on for years.

Recall that 15 February US President Donald Trump announced the state of emergency in the country. He plans to use it to secure funding for the wall on the border between the United States and Mexico.

Trump is important to fulfill one of the key campaign promises. But this could provoke a severe crisis of power in the United States. Previously, the country fell the longest ever shutdown - temporary shutdown of a part of government bodies. Led to him wall financing dispute: the Upper House of Congress proposed a draft budget in which $ 1,6 billion was allocated for the construction of barriers on the border with Mexico; Trump refused to sign the budget, which caused the government to stop working.

After the US 16 filed lawsuit challenging President Donald Trump’s announcement of a national state of emergency.

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