Pentagon thrilled: half of US military families see Russia as US ally - ForumDaily
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The Pentagon is excited: half of the families of the US military consider Russia an ally of the United States

Russia's efforts to weaken the West through persistent disinformation campaigns may finally begin to bear fruit, creating a crack in the bastion of America's line of defense - the US military, writes "Voice of America«.

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Although the majority of the military see Moscow as America’s key adversary, recent polls show that this idea is changing, and this is especially noticeable in military families. The second annual survey on national security, conducted in October, showed that 46% of families of representatives of the US armed forces see Russia as an ally.

Just 28% of Americans—versus 19% last year—called Russia an ally.

Sociologists say that these views are held mainly by those who sympathize with the US Republican Party and agree with the statements of President Donald Trump on Russia.

While a majority—71% of all Americans and 53% of military families—continue to view the Kremlin as an enemy, the rise of pro-Russian sentiment worries the Pentagon.

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US Department of Defense spokeswoman Carla Gleason told Voice of America that Russia is trying to "flood the media with disinformation to sow doubt and confusion," "not only through inconsistent and inflammatory dialogue, but also through false stories created to cause sympathy".

Russia began trying to influence the American military back in 2017, before the midterm elections to Congress. The Kremlin's goal, the Pentagon says, is to sow disinformation among military personnel that could improve attitudes toward Russians in the future.

First of all, a change of opinion occurs among Republicans who have historically been more critical of the Soviet bloc and Russia. In particular, due to positive statements by President Trump about Vladimir Putin.

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