WHO has published a list of viruses that can cause a new pandemic - ForumDaily
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WHO has published a list of viruses that can cause a new pandemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) published list of more than 30 pathogens most likely to cause the next pandemic. Among the most dangerous viruses is the H5N1 bird flu, which is spreading in the United States. Scientists fear it could easily mutate and spread from person to person, reports Daily Mail.

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Scientists are sounding the alarm about dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease that is sometimes called “bonebreaker disease.” She is now active in the US.

monkeypox, which hit the global epidemic in 2022, also made the list amid an outbreak of diseases from its deadliest and most contagious strain in Africa.

The list of dangerous pathogens has been updated by more than half from what was published in 2017. It included hantavirus (spread by rodents) West Nile virus, carried by mosquitoes, flu and COVID.

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Among other things, scientists added to the list smallpox, although it has now been eradicated. They fear that a smallpox outbreak could be caused by an accident in a laboratory where smallpox strains are kept. Smallpox will spread quickly because there have been no vaccinations against it in recent years.

Among the dangerous pathogens are Lassa fever, carried by rodents. This disease can cause bleeding from the gums, eyes and nose, as well as seizures in patients.

Other pathogens include five bacteria, including cholera, which can cause stomach upset, and Yersinia pestis, which causes plague.

The list also includes a virus carried by bats. It provokes severe swelling of the brain.

Pathogens that were labeled as having "pandemic potential" were those that were highly contagious (highly contagious) and virulent or capable of causing serious disease in humans. The most dangerous of them are those for which there are no vaccines or no proven treatment methods.

The list of dangerous pathogens was compiled by 200 scientists from more than 50 countries.

The 2017 and 2018 lists included only about a dozen viruses and bacteria. But now researchers have significantly expanded them. Urbanization and deforestation have increased contact between wildlife and people, while more international travel is creating new opportunities for disease to spread to different regions of the world, scientists said. Another reason for the activation of pathogenic microbes and viruses may be climate change.

According to Dr. Ana Maria Henao Restrepo, there are many gaps in the study of dangerous pathogens that urgently need to be addressed to reduce the risk of a future pandemic.

For many of the diseases included in the list, only sporadic cases have been diagnosed so far. But the researchers warned that if the pathogens mutate, they could trigger massive disease outbreaks.

Most diseases are carried by ticks, bats, mosquitoes, and rodents. Humans transmit pathogens that can cause pandemics primarily through airborne transmission.

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Below we present to your attention a table indicating diseases that can cause the next pandemic.

DiseaseLatin nameRisk level
Lassa feverMammarenavirus lassaenseTall
Argentine hemorrhagic feverMammarenavirus junienseTall
CholeraVibrio Cholerae Serotype 1Tall
PlagueYersinia PestisTall
ShigellezShigella dysenteryTall
salmonellosisSalmonella entericaTall
PneumoniaKlebsiella pneumoniaeTall
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)Subgenus MerbecovirusTall
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)Subgenus SarbecovirusTall
EbolaOrthoebolavirus zairenseTall
Marburg virusOrthoebolavirus sudanenseTall
Zika virusOrthoebolavirus zikaenseTall
Dengue feverOrthoflavavivirus dengueiTall
Yellow feverOrthoflavavivirus flaviTall
Tick-borne encephalitisOrthoflavavivirus encephalitisTall
West Nile virusOrthoflavavivirus nilenseTall
HantavirusOrthohantavirus sinnombreenseTall
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic feverOrthonairovirus haemorrhagiaeTall
Avian influenza (H1 to H10)Alphainfluenzavirus influenzaeTall
Swine flu (H1 to H3)Alphainfluenzavirus influenzaeTall
Nipah virusHenipavirus nipahenseTall
SFTS feverBandavirus dabieenseTall
Rift Valley feverPhlebovirus riftenseTall
SmallpoxOrthovirus variolaTall
VaccineOrthovirus vacciniaTall
MonkeypoxOrthovirus monkeypoxTall
Chikungunya virusAlphavirus chikungunyaTall
Venezuelan equine encephalitisAlphavirus venezuelanTall
Pathogen XPathogen XTall
AdenovirusRecombinant MastadenovirusLow-medium
Adenovirus 14Mastadenovirus blackbeardi serotype 14Low-medium
Hand, foot and mouth diseaseEnterovirus coxsackiepolAverage
LentivirusLentivirus humimdef1Average
Borna disease virusOrthobornavirus bornenseLow
Hepatitis COrthohepadnavirus hominoidei CLow
Hepatitis EPaslahepevirus balayani 3Low
parvovirusProtoparvovirus carnivoranLow


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