American Airlines passengers waited 5 hours for takeoff, and then they were kicked out of the plane altogether because the crew's shift was over - ForumDaily
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American Airlines passengers waited 5 hours for takeoff, and then they were kicked out of the plane altogether because the crew had finished their shift

American Airlines passenger Sheila Gray said she had to leave the plane she had just boarded after a five-hour delay because the pilots had run out of shifts. Insider.

Photo: Shutterstock

Sheila Gray arrived in Charlotte on July 9 after returning from Rome and was trying to return home to Boston.

She said, “All I wanted was to go home to my bed. By this point, I had not slept for 24 hours, and getting off the plane was just a straw that broke the camel's back.

During her layover in Charlotte, her flight was delayed many times because "the plane was in the hangar for repairs," the agent at the gate told her.

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Once the plane was ready, just 20 minutes after landing, the pilot asked all passengers to leave the plane because "the crew was timed out and could not fly." “We all disembarked and started looking for other flights,” she said.

Gray added: “People were angry and yelled at the agents at the gate. One angry gentleman screamed at the gate, he was later taken out of the plane after we were already on board. I didn't hear him raise a commotion on the plane, but I saw him after we were escorted off the plane."

It turned out that replacement pilots had been found, and the first crew could also fly.

Gray shared text messages from the airline saying her flight had been repeatedly rescheduled.

She emphasized that "the gate agents and flight attendants were great," but everyone was angry at the pilot. “Because he probably knew he was running out of time before we got on board, he kept letting us board anyway,” Gray said.

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Gray, her husband and two daughters often fly with American Airlines, but this was not their first bad experience. Last month, the family missed a connecting flight from Philadelphia to Boston due to a flight delay from Paris.

The summer chaos continues to affect the travel plans of many passengers. Thousands of flights have been canceled and airlines are struggling to keep up with demand as baggage piles up in some terminals.

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