Vote and die: what darkens the elections in the USA - ForumDaily
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Vote and die: what darkens the US election

Long lines and malfunctioning voting machines at many sites are what voters faced in Georgia, where a spirited gubernatorial race has been marred by reports of voter suppression. But the physical discomfort turned out to be even more noticeable than the moral one.

In a residential complex for older people in Atlanta, a turn of voters standing in the pouring rain stretched around the entire building, tells New York Post. In Gwynnett County, which includes parts of suburban Atlanta, constantly failing voting machines forced precinct workers to transmit ballots for pre-voting until the devices were replaced.

One of the voters, a woman named Ontaria Woods, said that about 30 people who came to the polls in their polling station, surrendered after seeing long lines or trying to stand in them.

“We tried to persuade them to wait, but people have small children. People are hungry. People are tired,” says the woman.

According to her, some refused to fill out paper ballots because they “didn’t trust” this method of voting.

At the Snellville polling station, more than 100 people waited in line, sitting and reclining on the floor, trying to squeeze into child-sized seats - sometimes waiting for several hours. Joe Sorenson, the county supervisor's representative, blamed the delay on problems with voter access cards.

Breaking voting machines also caused delays in Texas and North Carolina, while voter registration problems were fixed in Tennessee and Georgia.

Voters in South Carolina said machines in some polling places were "flipping" their votes, with complaints that the candidate choices they made did not match the final result due to malfunctioning machines.

“At least I voted”: the last words of a dying woman

In North Texas 82-year-old grandmother Gracie Louis Phillips died after the first time in my life voted in elections. Until last week, she never filled out the ballots, and finally decided to do this by participating in the preliminary ballot. A few days later, Gracie, who, by the way, was delighted with her decision, passed away.

"I voted!" — the woman said joyfully, triumphantly raising her clenched fists up. For years she was convinced that she did not have the right to vote, because her family convinced her of this. But her daughter's husband, Jeff, told Gracie the truth and registered her to vote shortly before the woman died, who suddenly fell ill with pneumonia and sepsis. At the hospital, she continued to discuss the election.

“She was asking, 'Is there another way I can vote?' Don’t they allow people to vote from the hospital?” - says Jeff. "It was really important to her."

And last Thursday, Gracie finally made it to the polling station in a nearby church. She was unable to get out of the car - the staff brought her a ballot. When she filled out the document, the staff applauded and supported the woman and gave her a pen and a sticker as a souvenir. The next day she felt worse. But even before her death, she said: “In the end, at least I voted.”

At two in the morning on Monday, Gracie died surrounded by her family. Jeff said she voted for Republicans.

Her family shared this story to inspire other people to come to the polls and cast their vote, as well as to help those who cannot reach the polling station on their own.

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