Errors in English that Russians do without noticing it - ForumDaily
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Mistakes in English that Russians do without realizing it

When learning a foreign language, everyone makes mistakes. Very often this happens due to the fact that people tend to translate sentences from their native, say Russian language, into English. But this method can play a cruel joke. The author told more about similar errors blog English for you on Yandex.Zen. Next - from the first person.

Photo: Shutterstock

How to make a mistake

If we make mistakes, and everyone makes them, how can we say “make a mistake”?

Do you think Do a mistake? - Wrong!

Never say that! Remember: "making a mistake" is Make a mistake. And only so!

It seems to me that if you often hear (or pronounce) the correct phrase, then on a subconscious level you will begin to say Make.

Say hello correctly

Yes, imagine, some might say Hi all! No no and one more time no!

Hi everyone !, Hi everybody! - here they will understand you, and everyone will say hello to you. So be nice.

If someone sneezes

What do we speak Russian in this case? Be healthy!

So if you say Be healthy !, you will definitely be misunderstood.

In the States, everyone is blessed.

Correct Speak Bless you! - “I bless you.”

Start the conversation right

It usually starts like this:

  • How are you?

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And we answer in Russian: “As usual” - As usual... Unfortunately, you can't speak English like that. You can answer “as usual” only if you were asked a question:

  • How is it going?
  • as usual.

I have already said about this more than once: never translate from Russian into English literally. It always turns out to be rubbish, really. Languages ​​are different after all.

Another example:

  • How do you feel? - wrong
  • How are you feeling? - Right

And you answer I feel myself... - Oh, no! Don't do this under any circumstances. This means "to touch yourself" in English.

You can find yourself in a not very pleasant situation and “be embarrassed.”

Just answer I feel good and this can be finished.

The most common mistakes that everyone has or had for sure.

Why? Because, again, a literal translation. So, we get rid of Ruinglish:

I really love it

  • I really like it. - wrong
  • I really like it - correct
  • I like it very much - correct

I like this too

  • I like it also - nwrong
  • I like it too - correctly

If you have already got rid of these mistakes and are fluent in English, then you will never say:

  • I speak English free - incorrect
  • I speak English fluently (that is, I speak English fluently) - correct

Another cool situation arose on the beach with the word free. There was a Smoke free sign.

Some people might think that smoking is free here. And I saw how some looked in surprise when they were asked to put out a cigarette, pointing to Smoke free.

This means that the beach is “smoke-free,” meaning that smoking is prohibited there.

More common mistakes with "have"

So, if you don't have something, then there are two options to say it:

Haven't got and don't have

On the subject: Enriching our speech: 45 English analogues of Russian proverbs

I honestly don't like the expression haven't got. The mistake you can make:

  • I haven't children - wrong
  • I haven't got children - correct
  • I don't have children - correct

A few words about prepositions (I know you "love" them).

In an art gallery, you saw something in a picture and say:

  • On the picture - no, it's so wrong
  • In the picture - that's right

To recap:

  • Answer on my question - wrong
  • Answer my question - correct
  • To be angry on you is wrong
  • To be angry with you - correct
  • Wait my __ friend - wrong
  • Wait for my friend - correct
  • In last year - wrong
  • Last year is correct
"Interesting tips"

In English, there is no word "advice", there are pieces of advice. Therefore, when we want to use the word advice in the plural, we say:

  • Pieces of advice

And when there are no problems, and when there are simply no words, then:

  • No problems! - wrong
  • No problem! - Right
  • No comments! - wrong
  • No comment! - Right

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