Dangerous to sight and life: bacteria-infected eye drops are recalled in the USA - ForumDaily
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Dangerous for sight and life: eye drops contaminated with bacteria are recalled in the USA

Federal health authorities urge consumers to immediately discontinue use of the two eye drop formulations due to potential bacterial or fungal contamination. Writes about it CBS News.

Photo: IStock

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises people not to buy or use Dr. Berne's MSM Drops 5% Solution and LightEyez MSM Eye Drops – Eye Repair. The FDA warns that they can pose a serious health threat, including eye and life-threatening infections.

The agency noted that so far no one has reported problems with the use of recalled drugs.

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The recalls follow a wave of FDA warnings earlier this year regarding the use of several brands of eye drops linked to an outbreak of drug-resistant bacteria. The outbreak has been linked to at least 4 deaths and dozens of infections in 18 states.

Company Dr. Berne's Whole Health Products distributes Dr. Berne and LightEyez Limited is the distributor of Light Eyez products.

Drops tested by the FDA have shown they are contaminated with germs and are not sterile as required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Both products, which the agency says are unapproved and sold illegally in the US, contain methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) as an active ingredient that is not approved for eye drops.

“Use of contaminated eye drops is associated with the risk of minor to serious eye-threatening infection that can develop into a life-threatening infection,” the FDA said.

The agency advises anyone with signs or symptoms of an eye infection to "seek immediate medical attention."

The FDA is urging consumers who have these drops to dispose of them properly. these instructions.

Dr. Berne voluntarily recalled the drops, while London-based LightEyez Limited did not respond to the FDA or take any action to protect consumers.

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According to the FDA, the LightEyez product was contaminated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that can cause infections in the blood, lungs or other parts of the body. Health authorities believe a drug-resistant variant of the bacteria is responsible for deaths and other health problems linked to the suspect eye drops.

In February, Global Pharma Healthcare recalled all batches of its EzriCare and Delsam Pharma brands of eye drops., which she said could be contaminated with bacteria.

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