A huge alligator tried several times to climb a house in Florida - ForumDaily
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Huge alligator tried several times to climb a house in Florida

A huge alligator tried to climb the wall of a house in Florida. Recorded by Kayla Ronquillo, an alligator can be seen walking slowly past a local resident's garage in Punta Gorda. What happened next, said the publication Fox35Orlando.

Photo: IStock

Then the alligator, rounding the corner, moves towards the house and tries to climb one of its walls. The alligator falls, but does not give up.

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He makes a second attempt, but falls again, harder and nearly hits his head on what appears to be a counter.

Alligator sightings in Florida are commonplace. Just last week, a family crossing a trail in Lakeland also spotted a massive alligator crossing the trail.

People who are concerned about an alligator should call the free hotline at 866-392-4286. An alligator is considered dangerous if it is at least four feet (1,2 m) long and you believe it poses a threat to people, pets, or property.

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