Huge crowds and expensive tickets: what days are better not to fly by plane
As America's biggest holiday, Independence Day, approaches, the worst days for flying are upon us - large crowds, high ticket prices and flight delays. Edition Fox Business made a list of the worst days for air travel.
Holidays are definitely on this list. However, this is not just Thanksgiving or Christmas. Holidays, including Memorial Day and weekends, were also included in the report. Other days are also named.
The study was based on ticket prices, flight delays and crowd sizes at the airport.
Thanksgiving Days
Some of the worst days to fly are Thanksgiving.
On the Friday before Thanksgiving, people who have taken the entire week off usually fly, the day before the holiday, people who only have Thanksgiving off fly, and on the Sunday after the holiday, everyone returns home.
Although planes also fly on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, the busiest day is Sunday.
Days Near Christmas
The days before Christmas are also not the best option.
On Friday before Christmas, students begin their winter holidays, many working people take Christmas holidays. In addition, Saturday before Christmas is also one of the busiest days for air travel because on Saturday everyone flies who did not have time to buy a ticket on Friday.
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But in the days after Christmas and before the New Year there is the highest frequency of flight delays and flight cancellations.
2 January
Immediately after New Year's Day in 2019, flights were delayed about 25% of the time, falling to about 19% on subsequent days. We do not provide statistics from the time of coronavirus - they are not relevant due to quarantine restrictions.
Saturdays and Sundays in March
According to the SkyScanner report, except for November and December, the most expensive tickets are sold for March flights. Most likely this is due to the fact that spring breaks fall in March.
Since many students still attend school on Friday, it becomes crowded at airports on Saturday and Sunday.
Good Friday
On Good Friday there are also a lot of people who fly to visit their family before Easter, although Easter Sunday itself is not too crowded.
Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day weekend is an incredibly popular time for air travel, so airports tend to be crowded. To avoid crowds, try to book tickets and plan your vacation for another time.
Fridays and Sundays in summer
June, July and August are the busiest months for air travel, but airlines are generally prepared for these changes, so delays and cancellations won't be a big problem.
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However, this means that on Fridays and Sundays the airport will be quite crowded and you will have to stand in a long line.
3 and 4 July
4 July National Day is another popular holiday destination for Americans.
On July 4, 2019, airports were crowded with passengers, with an estimated 12,25 million people taking long-term vacations.
Labor Day
Weekends devoted to Labor Day are another crowded time for air travel, because it is the end of summer.
American Airlines said that approximately 17,5 million passengers traveled this weekend in 2019 in the United States.
In general, on Sundays, as a rule, the most expensive flights.
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