One simple setting in LinkedIn can increase your chances of finding a job.
One simple setting in your LinkedIn profile can be a hindrance so that potential employers can see your account.
If you are currently not working anywhere, then, most likely, the field "Current position" in your profile is empty, writes Team.
Sue Ellson, an independent expert on LinkedIn and a career development specialist, said this was a mistake. According to Ellson, your profile will pop up more often in search results if it shows the current position.
Even if you currently have no work, you still need to specify the current position. You should not lie in a profile, but you can fill in the “current position” field with information about the type of work you are looking for.
You can also write there that you are conducting research, training, busy submitting job applications, etc. In the section of the employer in this field simply indicate “various”.
Avoid using the term “seeking opportunities” because it may seem like you are desperate.
In addition, Ellson advises you to include in your profile a setting that notifies employers that you are looking for a job, and suggests writing personalized personalized messages when contacting potential employers.
Many experts argue that personalized communication with the employer (you can go to them personally or through groups) increases the applicant's chances of getting a job, or at least an invitation for an interview.
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