One certificate - 5 professions and / or own business: a short medical course will give you access to hundreds of thousands of vacancies
The American labor market is wonderful because here you can get a good job and earn decent money after short professional courses, there is no need for years of study. Such courses allow you to start working in IT (although there are queues of those who want to), as well as in medicine (here there are just queues of people who want to hire you). Moreover, in medicine there are professions that do not involve communication with patients and proceduresbut are purely administrative. One of these is Medical billing and coding (medical billing specialist, or just a biller).

Photo: IStock
Biller certificate (you can get it in just 4 months for course at Concord Rusam) is a very valuable acquisition. Without medical billing specialists, no hospital in the United States can operate. Billers are the link between the medical institution and the insurance company, and in the conditions of American insurance medicine, they form the backbone of the healthcare system.
However, the biller is not the only job that is available to the holder of the Medical billing and coding certificate. This document opens the way to at least 5 professions.
1. Biller (medical biller)
Average salary in the USA: $ 35 246 per year
Number of open vacancies in the USA: more than 21,5 thousand
Main responsibilities: sending data about the patient's visit to the hospital to the insurance company so that the insurer can decide on the payment of bills. Billers work on special software and use codes for medical procedures. Billers' responsibilities include, among other things, checking patient accounts, setting up payment plans, and appealing claims rejected by insurers.
2. Specialist in medical records (medical record technician)
Average salary in the country: $ 50 per year
Number of open vacancies in the USA: over 138 thousand
Main responsibilities: The Medical Records Specialist is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the patient's medical records. Then they are transferred to the biller, and the correctness of filling out these documents affects whether the insurance company receives accurate data. Medical documentation specialists track and update the patient's medical history, enter the treatment prescribed by doctors and other information into the documents.
3. Medical manifold (medical collector)
Average salary in the country: $ 44 249 per year
Number of open vacancies in the USA: more than 1,3 thousand
Main responsibilities: medical collectors are responsible for collecting late payments from patients for medical services they have received. They may work directly in the medical facility as staff collectors or in collection agencies.
4. Medical records coordinator (Medical record coordinator)
Average salary in the country: $ 47 132 per year
Number of open vacancies in the USA: over 72 thousand
Main responsibilities: Medical Records Coordinators are senior healthcare professionals who are responsible for maintaining confidential patient records. They work with doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel to ensure that confidential patient information is accurately recorded, properly organized, and stored.
5. Medical Coding Specialist (Coding specialist)
Average salary in the country: $ 54 789 per year
Number of open vacancies in the USA: over 12 thousand
Main responsibilities: the coding specialist creates special medical codes to record information about the patient and the services received by him. The following records are coded: symptoms and diagnosis of the patient, prescribed medications, treatments, surgeries and other necessary procedures.
Medical billing and coding and own business
Biller does not have to be in the hospital, he can work from home and build his own schedule. In addition to the obvious advantages of working in pajamas and communicating with relatives, this also opens up prospects for running your own business.
Starting a business without a backup income option is scary - what if the business does not work out and you are left with debts and empty pockets. But if you work as a biller on an hourly basis, and devote the rest of the time to developing your business, then no matter what the outcome, you will not be left without a penny.
Moreover, Medical billing and coding can be your business in itself. You don't have to be part of a hospital team, you can work as an independent biller, and build your schedule and relationships with clients in a way that suits you.
How to get Medical billing and coding certification
The Medical billing and coding certificate, which opens doors for you in several professions at once, can be obtained after the appropriate of course at the New York school Concord rusam.
Training lasts 4 months, classes are possible on weekdays and weekends. Teaching is conducted in English so that students master the vocabulary necessary for work. At the same time, Russian-speaking teachers will be happy to help with incomprehensible terms and, if necessary, explain complex material in Russian.
In addition, specialists Concord rusam they will tell you how to write a resume for the American job market, prepare for interviews, and even help you find a job, since many graduates tell the school about vacancies in the hospitals where they work.
You can register for the next Medical billing and coding course at Concord Rusam here:.
Bonus for those who have little time, money and no aptitude for mathematics
Biller needs to be good at math, as well as be friends with numbers, in order to remember insurance codes for medical procedures. For many, this task is beyond their power or simply does not bring pleasure. In addition, 4 months of training and $2200 for the Medical billing and coding course can be prohibitive for immigrants who usually don't have much savings (if any) and hardly have time to work, let alone study.
In this case, pay attention to Electronic health records course (EHR) in Concord Rusam. It is cheaper ($1350), lasts not 4, but 3 months, does not involve performing mathematical tasks, and at the same time also opens the way to several professions at once.

Photo: IStock
EHR specialists work with systems for collecting, organizing, storing and transmitting medical information. They make sure that the medical records of patients comply with the requirements of the law and insurance companies. In addition, these specialists are responsible for the proper archiving and storage of medical information.
After obtaining an EHR certificate, you can apply for several different positions:
- Release of Information Specialist (specialist in the release of information)
- Associate Medical Records Specialist (Associate Medical Records Specialist)
- Integrated Payments Support Specialist (specialist in integrated support of the payment system)
- Health Information Specialist I (health information specialist)
- Electronic Health Records (EHR) Specialist
- Records Specialist (medical records specialist)
- Clinical Informatics Specialist (specialist in clinical informatics)
- Electronic Health Records Assistant
- Electronic Health Record Administrator/Data Specialist
- Document Specialist (document specialist)
- Support Specialist (support specialist)
The average salary of EHR specialists is about $50 per year (it all depends on the specific profession). There are now more than 000 vacancies in the field of electronic medical records in the US labor market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that by 26, the demand for this specialty will grow by 2026%.
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Sign up for next Electronic Health Records Specialist course in Concord Rusam you can here:. Classes are held in a hybrid format (online + offline) on weekdays and weekends (you can choose a schedule that suits you).
Material prepared in partnership with
Private Career School Concord Rusam
Address: 412 8th Ave, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001,
Phone: 212-619-2260
Email: [email protected]
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