Odessa humor on the American stage: Jan Levinson and Oleg Filimonov will perform in the USA with the play 'Made in Odessa' - ForumDaily
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Odessa humor on the American stage: Yan Levinson and Oleg Filimonov will perform in the USA with the play 'Made in Odessa'

Ah, Odessa! The city that smells of the sea, enchants with its courtyards and makes you laugh, laugh, laugh. It seems that humor is in the blood of Odessans, it is part of their genetic code.

If you also love the Pearl by the Sea and Odessa humor, come to performance by Yan Levinson and Oleg Filimonov "Made in Odessa"!

The duo will bring their jokes to American stages in the following cities:

  • 15 March - Philadelphia;
  • 16 March - New York;
  • 20 March - Miami;
  • 22 March - Chicago;
  • 23 March - Бостон.

Come with your friends and family to enjoy a heartfelt love story between a city and its people!

The play with a symbolic name will be especially close to everyone who was made in that very Odessa. But it, "that very one", may no longer exist. Or... Our heroes will try to find answers to this question and tell you a lot of interesting, touching, sometimes funny, and sometimes sad things.

Photo provided by the organizers of the play

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