Biden's address to Congress: when and where to watch the broadcast in Russian - ForumDaily
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Biden's address to Congress: when and where to watch the broadcast in Russian

US President Joe Biden will deliver his second State of the Union address on February 7. The Hill.

Photo: IStock

Biden is due to address a joint session of Congress at 21:00 pm EST.

The speech will be widely broadcast online and on various platforms and channels. This will give the public multiple ways to view the appeal itself and the Republican response from Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

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Where to see

Official broadcast will take place here. A broadcast of the speech Russian it will be possible to see here.


C-SPAN's coverage of this event will begin at 20:00 pm and will be hosted by Peter Slen and Greta Brauner.

After viewing the address, Congressional Politico reporter Katherine Tully-McManus will provide the political context for the speech. Julia Azari, professor of political science at Marquette University, will talk about the history and evolution of the United States.

Live coverage of the arrivals of members of Congress, Supreme Court justices and guests, as well as speeches, will be shown on C-SPAN and C-SPAN 2. C-SPAN will show the Republican reaction to Biden's speech, while host Pedro Echevarria will cover the reaction to the speech of members of the House of Representatives and Senate.


NBC will be covering the address across several of its channels and platforms, showing the speech and analysis.
NBC News coverage starts at 21:00 pm, led by Nightly News anchor Lester Holt and The Today Show co-host and chief legal correspondent for NBC Savannah Guthrie. Prior to the performance, Holt will be hosting a special live broadcast of NBC's late-night news from Washington.

NBC News Now, NBC's online network, will broadcast the event from 20:00 p.m. to midnight. Platform hosts Tom Llamas and Holly Jackson will report for the first hour before NBC News coverage is simulcast on the platform at 21:00 pm.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Joy Reed and Nicole Wallace will host the late night primetime broadcast starting at 8pm, with Stephanie Rule and Ali Velshi taking over from midnight. will broadcast the speech live and blog. There will also be a live stream and live blog on

Noticias Telemundo coverage will be hosted by Julio Vaqueira with a special new prime time program at 21:00 p.m. with correspondents in Washington and a panel of experts to analyze Biden's speech and the Republican Party's reaction. Reporting will also be streamed on its digital platforms including, its mobile app, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.


ABC News coverage of the appeal will air on ABC and on ABC News Live from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. World News Tonight host David Muir will be reporting in prime time.

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ABC News radio will broadcast the evening live, and the daily ABC News "Start Here" podcast will feature reactions and analysis from the team at the Capitol.


CBS Evening News host and managing editor Nora O'Donnell will direct CBS coverage on her platforms, with primetime coverage beginning on CBS News Streaming at 20:00 pm.

A special report on Biden's address will be simulcast on CBS and its streaming network from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. CBS would then move on to analyze the performance and then re-report the performance for late night and West Coast audiences.
CBS News Radio broadcasts begin at 21:00 p.m. with Biden's speech and Republican reaction.


CNN's coverage of the State of the Union and the Republican response will begin at 20:00 pm, with Jake Tupper reporting from Washington DC and Anderson Cooper from New York. Alicyn Camerota will join later for night coverage and Laura Coates will continue lighting at XNUMXam.

The coverage will be streamed live on the company's website homepage and on its iOS and Android apps from 20:00 to 1:00.
Viewers can also watch coverage on CNNgo and listen to audio on CNN's channels on SiriusXM,, and TuneIn Radio.

Fox News

Fox News will begin coverage of Biden's speech and Republican response at 21:00 pm, led by Special Report's chief political anchor Bret Byer and The Story host and executive editor Martha McCallum.

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Fox Business Network will simulcast the nightly coverage of Fox News. will broadcast live the GOP's address and response.

At 20:00 pm, Fox News Radio will begin its coverage, which can be heard on its partner stations,, or the Fox News Channel app.

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