What you need to know when you fly from the USA to Europe for 99 dollars - ForumDaily
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What you need to know when you fly from the US to Europe for 99 dollars

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Airline Norwegian Air offers transatlantic flights to Europe from different US cities costing only 99 dollars. And nand at first glance, airlines that previously began operating transatlantic flights - British Airways, Delta and American - cannot compete with this offer. But this is only at first glance.

In fact, after all the additional fees for baggage and other services, the flight with Norwegian Air can do even more expensive than with traditional airlines, writes USA Today.

First, the Norwegian airline charges 130 dollars for baggage on long flights (both ways).

Surcharge for hand baggage is not charged, but its size is very limited. Norwegian Air allows you to take into the cabin hand luggage weighing up to 10 kg, with dimensions of no more than 53 x 40 x 23 cm.

At the same time, the airline British Airways allows hand luggage weighing up to 23 kg with dimensions 56 x 46 x 25 cm.

If hand luggage exceeds the norm Norwegian Air on a flight from the US to Europe, the bag will be sent to the luggage, taking an extra 130 dollars from the passenger.

Many passengers believe that they do not weigh hand luggage at check-in. This is partly true, but only with small bags. If visually your carry-on baggage will look heavy or too large, its weight and dimensions will be checked.

Food and drink on flights Norwegian Air also not included in the ticket price. Despite the fact that the food in the plane of any airline is not very tasty, it is nevertheless free on traditional airlines, moreover, British Airways offers and free drinks.

Traditional airlines set prices for their tickets, given that the passenger automatically receives (luggage, food, drinks), in Norwegian Air for this all will have to pay extra, and quite expensive.

Therefore, if the price difference between Norwegian Air and British Airways is about 100 dollars, it’s better to choose traditional airlines. Since, due to the limited size of your carry-on baggage, you may not be allowed to take a bag with you to the salon that you took there on other airlines, moreover, during a long transatlantic flight, you will most likely want to have a snack.

Also note that Norwegian Air often flies to small airports outside the city, so you will spend extra money to get to the city.

For example, in London Norwegian Air flies to Gatwick, from where you have to travel directly to London for the 23 dollar one way. BUT British Airways flies to Heathrow, where you can take a taxi to London for much less money.

But in each case it is necessary to take into account the situation: if you have a small bag, the airport of arrival is close to your destination, and you can refrain from shopping for food and drinks on board, then you should use the offers of low-cost airlines like Norwegian Air, WOW Air etc. If you intend to take the bag in the luggage and buy food in flight, then before purchasing an air ticket, calculate its final cost for low-cost airlines and traditional airlines to find out which of the options is really more profitable.

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