Do children need school homework? US experience
Our child is in third grade in one of the public schools in Virginia and receives homework for the week. This is mathematics and compiling a list of books read, in which he must indicate the title, author and duration of reading. Why in the third grade he is given less homework than last year and the year before, Tatyana Vorozhko told in a blog for VOA.
In second grade, almost all homework was on the computer - in I-ready and dreambox. These are special educational programs that diagnose the readiness level of children and, in the form of video games, give them tasks appropriate to their level. In addition to grades, parents receive printouts charting their child's progress.
Of course, the son liked to do it, and from our side it was necessary only to watch out so that he would not linger. But I, like other parents, were somewhat worried that this increased the time that he spends in front of the computer and which is so difficult to limit.
Even in the United States, they like to give home projects in schools that must be carried out once a week or even a month. The hardest part was in the zero class (kindergarten) when monthly it was necessary to do some kind of art project. I, then an inexperienced mom of a schoolboy, remembered about him on the night before the surrender, and we all panicked, cut, wrote, pasted and painted the whole family. Once, while performing the composition “Indian woman hiding in flowers,” I so persistently cut flowers from colored paper that then a week I could not squeeze my right hand into a fist.
In the first grade, four times a week it was necessary to prepare with the child for dictation; once a month - submit a list of books you have read; and two more times a week - do simple projects.
All this requires parents to have good organizational skills, but if you forget something, no problem. But for a task not completed a couple of times, the teacher will not scold the child and will not give a bad mark. In grade 0, at a parent meeting, the class teacher urged us not to force children - the main thing is not to kill their desire to learn.
Themselves assessing the results of tests and progress of the child. Also, teachers, at least in the lower grades, do not cling to corrections in the test. The main thing is that the answer is correct.
Do children need homework? Debate continues
Debate whether children need to do homework and, if so, how much, in the United States have been going on for more than a century. At the beginning of the last century, the Lady Home Magazine launched a campaign against homework, urging that it was better for children after school to play or look at the clouds. Their efforts were so successful that in 1901, in the state of California, “homework” was legally banned (later the ban was lifted).
In general, public opinion in the United States on the amount of housework fluctuates cyclically: at the beginning of the last century, it was believed that the mind is a muscle that needs to be “pumped up”, and housework helps with this. In the 40s, they began to rethink the education system itself and homework as a relic of the 19th century. But, after the Soviet Union, ahead of the United States, put a satellite into orbit, the Americans began to fuss and again started talking about the importance of homework for schoolchildren. But this did not last long - in the 60s, under the influence of the “cultural revolution” in the United States, voices began to be heard that children needed to play, draw and create more. The 80s brought renewed attention to global competition, and now it is widely believed that housework is a source of excessive individual and family stress.
At the same time, the volume of work that is given to children at home remains more or less stable, quotes the website for parents. rand corporation researcher brian hill.
According to the MetLife 2007 study of the year, 45% students in 3-12 classes spend more than an hour on homework per day, including 6% who spend more than 3 hours. More than half of the students spend less than an hour a day on “homework”.
The National Association of Parents and Teachers, as well as the National Educational Association, recommend that children in the first grade give homework that can be done in 10 minutes, increasing it with 10 minutes with each school year. In our school, as in many other US educational institutions, these recommendations sometimes exceed the recommended time by a factor of three.
Does homework for children benefit?
According to a study by Duke University professor Garys Cooper, this conclusion can definitely only be drawn for high school students. There is some positive correlation with achievement for middle school students and...none for young students!
How can parents properly help children do their homework? Expert Tips
The researchers also found that most of the controversy and stress around homework occurs in families where parents have no higher education. More educated parents are better able to assess whether the task corresponds to the level of the child’s readiness, and do not hesitate to express their opinions to the teacher. Less educated people tend to blame all the school problems of their own offspring, because "he is a dummy and it is not clear what he does at school."
Some schools are doing away with homework altogether in the lower grades, while others—all grades—are experimenting with new approaches.
One of the innovative methods that is spreading in American schools is the “flipped classroom.” (flipped classroom). The teacher’s home is asked to watch a video lecture with new material, often prepared Khan Academy or Ted Talks. Children do practical tasks in a classroom where a teacher or classmate can help them. I like the idea. We all had teachers who retold a chapter from a textbook, and then, instead of them, parents had to teach how to calculate percentages or write stories. And parents, maybe they did not know how.
And helping your peers is generally the best way to learn the material. I remember how in class 8-9 I showed my classmates how to make a section of a cube - on the third cube I understood it myself.
Psychologists, in particular Jessica Leigh, advise parents as follows. Let children decide when they do their homework - right after school or even in the morning, because everyone needs some autonomy and control. And also - do not correct the child’s mistakes, not to mention doing homework for them. Children must learn to make mistakes, cope with failure, and self-motivate themselves to achieve success.
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