A city in Oklahoma offered $ 10 for moving there: Californians massively agree - ForumDaily
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A city in Oklahoma offered $ 10 for moving there: Californians massively agree

Under the Tulsa Remote program, launched by the George Kaiser Family Foundation, remote workers can receive $ 10 to relocate to Tulsa, Oklahoma. And a large number of applicants come from California, namely the San Francisco Bay Area. Writes about it SFGate.

Photo: Shutterstock

“Over a thousand applications have been submitted in the last two weeks alone. More than half of the applicants are from California, many from the Bay Area, said Grant Bumgarner, program manager.

Even before the pandemic, Oklahoma's population was declining, largely due to a downturn in the energy sector. “The last few years have been the slowest rate of population growth since the late 1980s and early 1990s,” explained Chad Wilkerson of the Kansas City Fed's Oklahoma City office.

Tulsa Remote is designed to populate a small city on the map and give it a boost of energy and variety. The significant shift to telecommuting following the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented surge in interest in the program from digital nomads.

“Tulsa Remote is back in 2020 and we are looking for 250 more remote employees,” the program states.

The foundation says it wants to make Tulsa more diverse, but not everyone can apply. Applicants must be remote or self-employed workers.

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In addition to $ 10 in cash, the program offers a free workplace at a coworking space in Tulsa that "provides a place to do work and collaborate with other local entrepreneurs, remote workers and digital nomads."

Cash is issued during the first year of stay in the city. Some amount is paid upfront to help with relocation costs and then a monthly living stipend is paid.

If selected, applicants must strictly remain within the city limits of Tulsa. “Those selected for the program must reside within the city limits of Tulsa. It does not include the surrounding areas of Bixby, Broken Arrow, Sand Springs, Sapulpa and Jenks,” the policy states.

The determination that “Tulsa has a good cost of living and likely cheaper housing than where you currently live” is true for those applying from the Bay Area. Despite recent rent cuts, the going rate for a two-bedroom apartment in San Francisco is still just $4000 a month, while in Tulsa it's about $800.

Bay Area resident Jalisa Garland, who was selected for the program, said she is excited about the move. She's been struggling to make ends meet in San Francisco lately: “It's too hard to stay afloat and really live here. And now, given what’s happening around us, it’s becoming even more difficult,” she concluded.

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