No multiple visas and 80 euro fee instead of 35: it will be more difficult for Russians to get permission to enter the EU
Russians wishing to enter the EU will face a longer application process and fees will increase from $34 to $79. with the BBC.

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This must continue as long as Moscow wages its war of aggression against Ukraine, as the European Commission has said.
Since the invasion of Ukraine in February, more than a million Russians have traveled to EU countries.
Margaritis Schinas, vice-president of the European Commission, said that Russia had "completely undermined" the trust on which the existing visa agreement between the EU and Russia was based.
Under this agreement, Russians enjoyed a simplified process for obtaining EU visas for 15 years.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen tweeted that the visa agreement should be suspended because Russia "cannot be business as before."
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The September 6 action follows a decision taken last week by EU foreign ministers when they agreed in principle to suspend the existing visa agreement with Moscow.
The plan was seen as a compromise, with Ukraine and some EU member states calling for a complete ban, but others such as France and Germany objected to going that far.
Some EU countries bordering Russia have already begun tightening border controls.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov admitted last week that the EU decision would make life harder for Russian travelers, calling the proposal "another ridiculous decision in a string of ongoing absurdities."
According to the proposals, the citizens of Russia will have to:
- Higher fees of $79 instead of $34.
- Longer application process.
- Multivisa restrictions.
- Longer required list of supporting documents.
- Separately, the EU Commission invites member states to refuse to recognize Russian passports issued in occupied Ukraine.
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“Russians should not have easy access to the European Union, and traveling to the EU as a tourist is not a human right,” said European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson.
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