Up to 100 meteors per hour: Southern California awaits first meteor shower in 2020
At the beginning of 2020, residents of Southern California expect an incredibly beautiful first meteor shower of the year, when it will be possible to observe a fall of up to 100 meteors per hour. Writes about this Only in tour state.
If you like meteor shower, then get ready for the first in 2020, which is just around the corner. Quadrantid meteor shower can be seen in Southern California on January 3-4, 2020. It will be an unforgettable sight.
If you have never seen the Quadrantid meteor shower before, then you should pay attention to it in 2020. The shooting stars of the bright blue that you see during this meteor shower are a stunning sight.
What makes this year the best year to watch this event?
In previous years, Quadrants were usually falling at speeds of up to 40 meteors per hour. But in 2020, you can expect to see up to 100 meteors per hour. So get ready for the night sky filled with tons of shooting stars.
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You do not need telescopes, binoculars or special equipment to view the Quadrantid meteor shower. But you will need to find a remote place without blinding city lights to truly appreciate the scope of this exciting event.
Areas like Joshua Tree or other desert places in Southern California are one of the favorite places to watch this celestial event.
From Friday January 3 from 17:00 p.m. to Saturday January 4 to 07:00 you will have the opportunity to enjoy this impressive meteor shower.
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