Israeli parliamentary elections: exit polls show unexpected results
In the general elections in Israel, according to polls at the exit from polling stations, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not much ahead of his main rival, Benny Ganz, writes Air force.
This is the third election in Israel in less than a year. After the previous two, none of the leaders of the two leading parties was able to form a government.
Netanyahu, who heads the right-wing Likud party, is seeking to become prime minister for a record fifth time.
In two weeks, however, he faces trial on corruption charges. He himself denies the accusations brought against him, calling them a political “witch hunt.”
Exit floors
According to Israeli press reports, exit polls show Likud will win 36 or 37 seats in parliament, while Gantz's centrist party is claiming 32 or 33 seats.
If the results of the polls correctly reflect the results of the vote, Netanyahu lacks one seat for the majority in the Knesset, in which there are only 120 seats.
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Likud hopes for the support of other right-wing parties to jointly overcome the threshold of 61 seats required to form a coalition government.
Exit polls came as a surprise to many, as public opinion polls on the eve of the election showed equal chances for the two main candidates, another deadlock confrontation and the possibility of another fourth election.
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