New rules for purchasing airline tickets and refunding money to passengers have come into force: what you need to know - ForumDaily
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New rules for purchasing airline tickets and refunding money to passengers have come into force: what you need to know

New rules from the U.S. Department of Transportation requiring automatic refunds for significantly delayed or canceled flights have gone into effect just in time for the holiday travel season. While the changes aren't major, they should make it easier to get refunds for delayed or canceled flights, according to CNBC.

United Airlines Boeing 777 Aircraft


Given the new rules, it still makes sense to get additional travel insurance or pay with a travel credit card with built-in insurance benefits to ensure you're fully covered. Here's what you need to know about the new rules and how they affect you.

When airlines should issue automatic refunds

The new rules make it easier to get your money back because they require airlines to automatically provide fast cash refunds if you qualify for them. The new rules are strict, with a seven-business-day deadline for credit card purchases and 20 calendar days if another form of payment was used. You’ll get the full amount you paid, minus any portion of the trip you’ve already used. Refunds must be in cash or made to the original form of payment (credit card, miles, etc.).

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You are entitled to an automatic refund if you do not accept the airline's alternative transportation options or travel credits if:

  • Your flight has been cancelled.
  • Your domestic flight is delayed by three hours or more
  • Your international flight is delayed by six hours or more
  • Your departure or arrival airport is changing
  • The number of connections is increasing
  • Your class of service has been downgraded.
  • Changing your plane or connecting airport is "less accessible or convenient" for your inclusivity.

You are entitled to a refund if you pay for an extra service, such as onboard Wi-Fi or seat selection, but the airline does not provide the service. Baggage fees are refunded if your baggage is delayed by:

  • 12 hours or more for domestic flights
  • 15–30 hours for international flights (depending on flight duration)

When Airlines Don't Have to Give You a Refund

If you purchased a non-refundable ticket and your flight delay is not considered “significant” under the new rules, the airline is not required to refund you. In the U.S., airlines are not required to refund you for delays that are considered beyond their control. You are generally not entitled to a refund for poor service or delays caused by:

  • Personal reasons (illness, missed flight, etc.)
  • Weather conditions or natural disasters
  • By air traffic
  • Security issues

Airlines are not required to reimburse you for incidental expenses (meals and accommodations) that you incur due to a delay. However, depending on the situation and the airline, they may provide meal or hotel vouchers or reimburse you for the extra expenses. So be sure to contact the airline as soon as possible if your flight is delayed or cancelled.

Credit cards that cover costs when the airline doesn't

When you pay for your flight with the right credit card, you will be protected from troubles, including baggage problems and flight cancellations.

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Look carefully at the terms and conditions that each specific type of card offers – they may vary. However, you are entitled to your credit card’s insurance coverage when you pay for travel with the card and/or its rewards. Here are some of the different types of travel insurance benefits you can get with the right credit card:

  • Travel Delay Reimbursement
  • Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance
  • Baggage Delay Insurance
  • Lost Baggage Reimbursement
  • Travel Accident Insurance
  • Rental Car Collision Insurance
  • Travel assistance and emergency assistance
  • Road control room.

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