Netflix bought Russian TV series 'Better Than People' - ForumDaily
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Netflix bought the Russian TV series 'Better Than People'

American streaming service Netflix bought the rights to show the Russian TV series "Better than people", filmed by the Start service and Channel One.

Фото: Depositphotos

The amount of the transaction amounted to one million dollars, which makes it the largest for Russian TV series acquired by Netflix, writes "Jellyfish".

It is assumed that the series will translate into 25 languages.

"Better than people" the first of the Russian TV series will be shown under the brand Netflix Original.

“Netflix Original status provides a large-scale promo premiere, thanks to which we believe that millions of viewers around the world can see the domestic content,” said the film’s general producer Edward Iloyan.

“The importance is that Netflix promotes its series completely differently, puts them in a selection, sends push-notifications. If the series is translated into a large number of languages, this is a huge victory, and if it goes well, Netflix will look for opportunities to order in Russia at the early production stage, ”says Alexander Modestova, general director of ExpoContent.

TV series action "Better than people" happens in the near future, where android robots have become commonplace and have entered all areas of human life - they help them raise children, work as personal drivers and security guards. For most people, bots are simply soulless machines for routine work, but they are also capable of emotions. The main character, Aris's superbot, is trying to understand what it means to be human. As a child, she discovers the world and gradually discovers such feelings as caring, devotion and love. At the same time, its absolute and naive pursuit along this path makes it a creature better than the people themselves.

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