Didn’t work together: who left Trump’s team this year - ForumDaily
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Not worked out: who this year left the team Trump

The administration of Donald Trump is famous for high turnover - high-ranking officials leave themselves, receive an order of dismissal or an appointment to other posts under plausible excuses and at a record speed.

Bi-bi-si collected a short list of achievements and reasons for the departure of officials who recently left their posts. Let's start with the latest layoffs.

John Kelly, head of administration. Resignation: December 2018 of the Year

The retired general was first appointed head of the Ministry of National Security, but last summer, Trump promoted him to head of administration. Kelly replaced Rains Pribus in this post.

December 8 Trump announced that Kelly will leave his post before the end of the year.

Why is he leaving?

By December 2018, his relationship with the president, as reported by the American media, had deteriorated significantly. According to some reports, Kelly and Trump even stopped talking.

Earlier this year, Kelly was forced to publicly deny that he called Trump an idiot. Such statements were written in his book by investigative journalist Bob Woodward.

Time on duty

One year and five months (before that, he worked as Minister of National Security from January to July, 2017).

Jeff Sessions, Attorney General, November 7 2018 of the year

The Republican from Alabama became the first senator to support Trump's candidacy in the presidential election - back in early 2016.

During the presidential campaign, he became one of Trump’s closest national security advisers, and while working for the government, he supported the president’s immigration and law enforcement policies.

What is fired?

Sessions became a regular target of criticism by the president, since 2017, in March, withdrew from oversight of an investigation into alleged Russian interference with the elections, which was led by the FBI under the leadership of bureau director James Komi.

As a result, the supervision function was taken over by his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, and Special Prosecutor Robert Muller became the head of the investigation.

“He took the job and then said, ‘I’m going to quit,’” Trump fumed. “What kind of person is this?” Trump was generous with his harsh words, calling Sessions "VERY weak" and "dishonest" on Twitter. Sessions almost did not react to such attacks.

According to the TV channels CNN и FoxTrump did not personally ask the public prosecutor to resign, but conveyed the request through the head of the White House administration, John Kelly. Trump himself объявил about Sessions' dismissal on Twitter.

In his resignation letter, Sessions made it clear that it was not his decision, writing: “Dear Mr. President, at your request, I tender my resignation.”

Time on duty

One year and nine months.

Nikki Haley, US Permanent Representative to the UN, October 9 2018

The former governor of South Carolina was the first non-white woman appointed to Trump's office. As governor, she was also the first woman to represent the ethnic minorities who led the state. Hayley was born in a family of Indian Sikh immigrants.

She had little experience in foreign policy before being appointed, and during the Trump campaign she criticized him more than once.

Why did she leave?

At a joint news conference with Trump, Haley announced she was resigning after a “challenging eight years” as governor and envoy.

She will leave the post at the end of 2018 of the year and does not yet know what she will do in the future, said Haley.

She also added that she wants to make sure the Trump administration gets "the strongest person to fight" for the US at the UN.

In accepting the resignation, Trump called Haley's work "incredible" and added that she managed to make the position of permanent representative "very attractive."

Time on duty

One year and 11 months.

Scott Pruitt, Director, US Environmental Protection Agency, July 6, 2018

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Scott Pruitt served as Attorney General of Oklahoma from 2011 to 2017 years. At that time, he had more than once filed lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency, which he ultimately had to head.

Why did he leave?

Donald Trump announced that Pruitt was leaving office due to "persistent attacks" on him and his family. Since taking office, Pruitt has been at the center of several scandals, accusing him of excessive spending and abuse of power. His work became the reason for ten investigations.

In his post, he managed to piss off many liberals and environmentalists, significantly limiting the activities of the agency and repealing many regulations on the protection of nature.

After accepting Pruitt's resignation, Trump tweeted that he "did an outstanding job" for which he will always be grateful.

Time on duty

One year, four months and 19 days.

David Shulkin, Minister of Veterans Affairs, 28 March 2018

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Shulkin is a physician who served as undersecretary for health at the Department of Veterans Affairs under Barack Obama.

The president called his work "fantastic" when he nominated him, and the Senate unanimously supported his nomination - a unique case for the Trump team.

Why did he leave?

Donald Trump announced that Shulkin resigns from his post and will be replaced by the president’s personal doctor, retired US Navy Rear Admiral Ronnie Jackson.

Shulkin faced a wave of criticism after being accused of inappropriate behavior during a trip to Europe in 2017. In particular, it was reported that the Minister had donated tickets to the Wimbledon tournament. He denied all charges, but agreed to reimburse the government the cost of his wife's ticket.

As a result, Shulkin resigned from his post, despite the support of veterans organizations, finally calling the atmosphere in Washington “toxic, chaotic, disrespectful and destructive.”

Time on duty

14 months.

Herbert McMaster, Trump's national security adviser, 22 March 2018 year

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Lieutenant-General of the US Army Ground Forces McMaster served in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he led a task force that fought corruption.

He replaced Michael Flynn, who was forced to resign because of a scandal involving the interception of telephone conversations with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

In 2014, Time Magazine included MacMaster into the hundreds of the most influential people in the world, calling him a military thinker and architect of a future army.

Why did he leave?

Trump was rumored to have disliked the general's "rude and condescending" behavior, with administration officials saying the two never got along. White House chief of staff Scott Kelly was also not happy with McMaster.

Time on duty

13 months.

Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, 13 March March 2018

President Trump announced on Twitter in March of this year that the Secretary of State would be leaving his post and would be replaced by CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

Such a personnel shake-up came at a difficult diplomatic situation when an agreement was reached on direct negotiations with North Korea.

It was believed that Tillerson could play an important role in improving relations between Moscow and Washington, but the Secretary of State for a year and a little in his post held a tough position with respect to Russia, including in Syria.

Trump thanked him for his work and wished all the best to his family.

Why did he leave?

The resignation became known shortly after Tillerson interrupted an African tour, saying that he was returning a day earlier because of a busy schedule in Washington.

According to rumors, Tillerson did not agree with many presidential decisions, including the introduction of import duties on steel and aluminum. Trump, in turn, did not like Tillerson’s close ties with the political elites of Washington, the media wrote.

Time on duty

14 months.

Gary Kohn, Senior Economic Advisor, March 6, 2018

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Former president of the bank Goldman Sachs was appointed the main National Economic Council after Trump took office. He became the chief economic adviser to the president.

In the White House, he helped push through sweeping tax reforms, one of the most significant policy achievements of the Trump administration.

However, it was reported that Kona’s relationship with Trump did not work out, and rumors about the adviser's imminent departure did not cease to circulate in recent months before retirement.

Why did he leave?

Convinced supporter of the globalization of the economy promised to leave if Trump still imposes duties on imports of steel and aluminum in the United States, the media wrote.

In addition, it was reported that Cohn initially thought about resigning after Trump laid the blame on both sides for the unrest on the march of the ultra-right in Charlottesville in August 2017 of the year.

Time on duty

14 months.

Hope Hicks, Communications Director, White House, February 28 2018

Hope Hicks worked as Trump's press secretary and worked with the press during his presidential campaign.

She became the fourth director of communications for the White House since Donald Trump was elected. Her predecessor, Anthony Scaramucci, served in all 10 days.

Before entering politics, the former model worked as a press attache in the fashion house of Ivanka Trump.

Why did she leave?

She resigned the next day after she gave testimony to the intelligence committee of the US Congress as part of the investigation into the case of possible Russian interference in the American elections. However, according to the press secretary of the White House, Sarah Sanders, Hicks was not associated with this.

Weeks before her departure, another high-profile Trump aide, Rob Porter—with whom Hicks was reported to be in a relationship—resigned amid allegations of abuse from two of his ex-wives.

Time on duty

Six years of working for the Trump Organization and three years of working together with Trump during his campaign and presidency.

Rob Porter, White House Secretary, February 8 2018 of the year

Porter, who was once called Trump's right hand, resigned after his two ex-wives publicly accused him of physical and emotional abuse.

One woman said that he kicked her on her honeymoon in 2003 and hit her face when they rested a few years later. He denied all charges.

Why did he leave?

The White House, and especially General Kelly, felt increasing pressure from the public after the accusations of violence were first published in the Daily Mail.

Soon, many began to wonder if Kelly could find out about the accusations against Porter from the FBI before the scandal, but ignore them.

Time on duty

One year.

Andrew McCabe, FBI Deputy Head, 29 January 2018

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Andrew McCabe resigned as deputy director of the FBI, where he worked with current director Christopher Ray and previous bureau chief James Komi.

He was forced to resign shortly before the official date of his retirement in March, CBC reported. Prior to this, the media several times reported that Trump intends to seek the resignation of McCabe.

McCabe headed the FBI for three months after the dismissal of James Komi, who led Trump's possible ties with Russia. He again took the post of deputy after the appointment of Ray.

Why was he fired?

Trump actively criticized McCabe, accusing him of having connections with democrats and a bias towards himself.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that McCabe was responsible for leaking classified information in the media. In addition, McCabe was accused of providing incorrect information to investigators of the Justice Ministry. He was fired following an internal investigation.

McCabe himself denied all accusations and said that the dismissal was due to his participation in the investigation of alleged links between the Donald Trump team and the Kremlin during the pre-election period.

Time on duty

Two years as deputy director of the FBI, including a year under the presidency of Donald Trump.

Tom Price, Minister of Health, 29 September 2017 of the year

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The former congressman from Georgia was an active opponent of Barack Obama’s health care reform.

The candidacy of Price for the post was approved only thanks to the majority of Republicans in the Senate. He was accused of trading in internal information while working on the law on health care, but he denied everything.

As Minister, Price, along with Trump several times unsuccessfully tried to push through the bills, repealing Obamacare.

Why was he fired?

A study by Politico’s political news site showed that Price’s trips cost the US treasury more than a million dollars.

It turned out that he flew on business trips using expensive private jets instead of regular commercial flights. Trump said he was dissatisfied with this.

Time on duty

Almost eight months.

Steve Bannon, White House Chief Strategist, August 18 2017

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Before joining Trump's team, Bannon headed the news site Breitbart, which is associated with the alt-right movement, whose adherents reject both left-wing ideology and the traditional conservatism of the Republican elite.

Opponents called Breitbart a racist, anti-Semitic and chauvinistic resource.

Like Trump's other assistants, he made his fortune as an investment banker, and then became involved in the financing and filming of Hollywood films.

Why was he fired?

Some of Trump's most influential advisers, including his son-in-law Jared Kushner, have been insisting on Bannon’s resignation for months.

In the pre-dismissal weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, there were clashes between the far right and their opponents, after which President Trump declared that both sides were responsible for the outbreak of violence, causing a wave of indignation.

Bannon once said that the Breitbart website is a platform for the “alt-right,” whose arrival in Charlottesville to protect the General Jefferson monument from demolition provoked clashes with local left-wing activists.

The president was also furious at the interview Bannon gave the liberal American Prospect magazine two days before his resignation. In this interview, Bannon said that military action against North Korea is impossible, which goes against Trump's position.

BuzzFeed website reported that Trump is unhappy that his adviser Bannon believes that the election victory was won precisely because of him.

Time on duty

Fired a year after he was appointed head of the campaign.

Anthony Scaramucci, Director of Communications, July 31 2017

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Former financier was familiar with President Trump for many years and very artistically acted in his defense during television interviews.

And although Scaramucci did not stay long in office, he managed to become a hero of large and loud headlines.

He immediately found himself at the center of the scandal, using foul language in a telephone conversation with a reporter of two colleagues: his boss, the head of the administration, Raines Pribus, and presidential adviser Steve Bannon.

In addition, he published and then deleted a tweet, in which he accused Raines Pribus of leaks from the White House.

Why was he fired?

Scaramucci boasted that he was reporting to the president personally, but his lack of discipline displeased the head of the presidential administration, General John Kelly.

Scaramucci’s resignation was announced a few hours after Kelly took over.

Time on duty

15 days (although he was supposed to officially take office on August 15 - that is, probably minus 15 days).

Rains Pribus, White House Chief of Staff, July 28 2017

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The former head of the National Committee of the Republican Party, Raines Pribus, was one of the few veterans of the Trump team who received the post in the administration, but was unable to assert his authority.

He found himself in a situation where many people in the administration had competing powers, and Trump's daughter Ivanka and his son-in-law Jared Kushner played a key role.

Why was he fired?

The president stopped trusting him and, obviously, was looking for someone who could ensure discipline in the White House - as a result, the party functionary, who seemed weak, was replaced by a general.

Time on duty

Six months.

Shaun Spicer, spokesman, July 21, 2017 of the year

Spicer, with 2011, was the official spokesman for the Republican National Committee. In 2015, he also took over as chief party strategy specialist.

Shaun Spicer took over as the White House press secretary on 20 in January and, at the very first press conference that lasted five minutes, indignantly attacked journalists.

He stubbornly insisted that the number of spectators who gathered for Trump's inauguration was greater than that of both of Barack Obama’s inaugurations.

As a result, Spicer became a target for numerous jokes, and the comedy show Saturday Night Live made the character of the spokesperson a regular participant in the programs.

Why did he leave?

Unlike many others, Spicer seems to have managed to maintain a good relationship with Trump after leaving the White House.

He resigned after Scaramucci was appointed communications director, saying he didn't want "too many cooks in the kitchen."

Time on duty

Six months.

James Komi, Director of the FBI, 9 May 2017 of the year

James Komi played a dramatic and controversial role in the final stage of the presidential campaign, when he declared a week before the vote that the FBI was reopening the investigation into the leakage of Hillary Clinton's secret data.

He was first criticized by Democrats for the statement, then by Republicans when he said a week later that no charges would be filed.

Although Trump's rival blamed Komi for his loss, the president was also not thrilled with Komi, especially when he, as director of the FBI, led an investigation into Trump's possible connections with the Kremlin.

Why was he fired?

Donald Trump and Justice Department officials argued that James Komi was fired for poorly investigating the scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton's correspondence.

Trump's letter to the head of the FBI said he was "unable to lead the bureau effectively."

However, most of Trump’s opponents were sure that the real reason was the “Russian investigation”, which Trump was trying to prevent in this way.

Time on duty

Three years and eight months (less than four months at Trump).

Michael Flynn, National Security Advisor, February 14 2017

Officially, Flynn himself resigned, but the president asked him to do so.

His departure was preceded by weeks of growing scandal over Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.

Initially, the former army general denied that the topic of conversation was sanctions, and Vice President Mike Pence announced this after him. The same was said in the Kremlin.

Later, Flynn told the White House that the topic of sanctions could still be discussed.

Why was he fired?

Because of the calls, Kisliak Flynn was suspected of violating Logan Act adopted in the US in 1798 year. He forbids US citizens who are not officially endowed with the appropriate authority to negotiate with official representatives of foreign states that have differences with the United States.

The scandal provoked violent speculation about what exactly Trump could know about Flynn's contacts with Kislyak.

In his resignation letter, Flynn acknowledged that in the period leading up to Trump's inauguration, he, due to rapidly evolving events, "recklessly provided the Vice President and others with incomplete information regarding telephone conversations with the Russian Ambassador."

Term on duty

23 days.

Sally Yates, Acting Attorney General, 31 January 2017

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The president fired Sally Yates after she questioned the legitimacy of the ban on Trump’s entry into the US of citizens from seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population.

Yeats, appointed by Trump's predecessor, believed that the ban did not comply with the constitution and discriminated against Muslims. She gave an order to the employees of the Ministry of Justice not to enforce the presidential decree.

Why was she fired?

As the White House said in a statement, Sally Yates “betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to implement a lawful order adopted to protect the citizens of the United States.”

The White House added that Yates is "weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration."

Time on duty

10 days. From May 2017 to January 2017, she also served as Deputy Attorney General.

Preet Bharara, Attorney, Southern District of New York, March 11, 2017

Replacing prosecutors appointed by the previous administration after a new government takes office is normal practice. However, one of the most prominent federal prosecutors in the United States, Preet Bharara, was promised by the White House that he would retain his job.

At the time of his dismissal, Bharara was in charge of several high-profile cases, including sexual harassment charges on Trump's favorite television channel, Fox News.

Why did he leave?

Bharara was one of the 46 prosecutors dismissed by the Trump administration. In the White House, the dismissal of prosecutors was called part of the usual rotation.

However, rumors soon began to spread within the Democratic Party and beyond that the president was concerned about Bharara's jurisdiction - he had jurisdiction over issues related to the Trump Tower, which is located in Manhattan.

Time on duty

Seven years and seven months. Less than two months from the start of Trump’s term.

Paul Manafort, Trump Campaign Manager, August 19 2016

Paul Manafort, a political consultant who has long been working with Republicans, was supposed to streamline the chaos around Trump, but he himself became his victim.

He was fired after five months of work at Trump's campaign headquarters, three of which he served as campaign director.

Why did he leave?

The team Trump did not explain the reason for the dismissal of Manafort, just releasing a statement with wishes of good luck.

A week before the political technologist was fired, articles appeared in the press that Manafort allegedly secretly received payments from the Russian authorities for representing Russia’s interests in Ukraine and in the United States.

As a result, Manafort came under investigation as part of an investigation into Russian intervention in the US 2016 election campaign of the year and a possible agreement between Trump's entourage and Russia.

At the end of November of this year, it became known that Manafort gave false testimony several times to investigators involved in the “Russian case.”

Time on duty

Three months.

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