Accidents and accidents: 5 most dangerous airlines in the world - ForumDaily
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Accidents and accidents: 5 most dangerous airlines in the world

We all love airplanes as a fast and comfortable form of travel. And although it is relatively safe, many people suffer from a phobia, in addition, various news about a plane crash flashing in our feed feeds anxiety. Edition ExploRe collected for you the top 5 most dangerous airlines. If you prefer other companies, relax and enjoy.

Photo: IStock

Lion Air

Indonesia AirAsia came under scrutiny after flight QZ8501 crashed in late 2014. The overall safety rating prevents her from flying to the United States or the European Union. The airline was officially established on November 15, 1999 and first began operations in 2000.

The dubious honor of fifth place belongs to Lion Air, which suffered many losses during its operation.

Nepal Airlines

Of course, it's hard not to sympathize with the pilots who land planes in Nepal, given that there are the Himalayas and all. True, not everyone is so lucky. Unfortunately, this is not only true in anecdote, but in fact, as Nepal Airlines is among the most unsafe airlines in the world.

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Nepal Airlines' listing as one of the world's most dangerous airlines is especially interesting given that it does not fly to Lukla Himalayan Airport, considered by many to be the world's most dangerous airport.

Kam Air

The only thing less likely than hearing about Kam Air is being able to fly Kam Air. Based in Afghanistan, it is not one of the airlines that a tourist would use these days.

Kam Air has only been operating for ten years, but it has already experienced fatal accidents. More than 100 passengers have died in the crashes, making it one of the most dangerous airlines in the world.

Tara Air

Tara Air maintains the same low status internationally as Kam Air, although it operates in Nepal and not in Afghanistan.

Although only one Tara Air flight led to the death of passengers, but this is in the short six years of the company's existence. It is this fact that raises serious concerns about its overall safety, which is why it got into the list of unsafe air carriers. It is relatively easy for most travelers to avoid Tara Air services as they operate exclusively in rural Nepal.

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This is a particularly daunting prospect if you're flying from Kathmandu to Lukla, the aforementioned ultra-dangerous Himalayan airport from which all Everest Base Camp treks begin.

SCAT Airlines

Unfortunately, the track record of one of the largest airlines in the Republic of Kazakhstan SCAT cannot be called good. And not so much because of fatal plane crashes (only one) since the start of operations in 1997. Rather, the European Commission's decision to blacklist SCAT is due to a general lack of confidence in its regulatory procedures that has spread to other Kazakh air carriers.

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