Unusual and slightly strange train tours in the USA - ForumDaily
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Unusual and Slightly Weird Train Tours in the USA

Ride the rails on a fun ride! We've all heard of the Polar Express and wine trains, but for those looking for a more out-of-the-box experience, these bizarre excursions are just the place to go. Time-out.

Photo: IStock

Here are the most unusual and wonderful train rides in the USA.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Show Tunes Train. Heber, Utah
  • Heber Valley Railroad

It's time to unleash your inner diva and start performing Broadway hits! This 90 minute night a train back and forth includes a wagonload of other people indulging in the singing of popular Broadway musicals such as The Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, Les Misérables, and more. For a more intense experience, wear a costume from your favorite show. You will hear live music and play quizzes.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">boba tea train. Sacramento, California
  • River Fox Train

Sit on a train for a 1,5-hour ride that includes several Boba Tea tastings, either in an open-air car or covered car. As snacks for tea, you can also order handmade dumplings and mochi doughnuts for a savory or sweet taste experience, and for those who do not like bubble tea, adult drinks are available. One carriage is reserved for the Moving Market, a small market with about five vendors selling anime t-shirts and other fun items.

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class="_h3_cuogz_1">Race the Cog. Mount Washington, New Hampshire

You will be driving to by train as a spectator while the members of Race the Cog sweat right outside your windows. There are three waves of runners and therefore three rides. The distance is only 4.4 km - but the problem is large boulders on the way ... and that it can be sunny and warm at the foot, and it snows at the top of the mountain.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Great Basin Star Train. Ely, Nevada

Here in the Nevada desert, you'll find some of the darkest skies in the lower 48 states, making stargazing a wonderful proposition. Moreover, in trip you will be accompanied by the dark rangers of Great Basin National Park who know the night sky and interpret it for you. You will leave the city on a vintage diesel locomotive train, just in time for sunset, so you can watch the sun go down as you travel. This incredible trip often sells out a year in advance, so grab your tickets when you can.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Lobster Roll Express. Belfast, Maine

This one sounds like heaven a poem through beautiful Maine evergreens with a lobster roll in hand. Could there be a better train? It's a 1,5 hour drive to Unity Pond where you get a packed lunch with lobster roll, potato chips, cookies and a drink. Then you ride through the woods and come back full.

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class="_h3_cuogz_1">Train Robbery Experience. Parrish, Florida
  • Florida Railroad Museum

History lovers, unite! This is your chance to be part of an old-fashioned heist. train - you will find yourself on board with a valuable cargo, and apparently, the US marshals must protect it. However, the Hole in the Head gang can outsmart the law and delay the train, just like in the old days of the Wild West. It looks like a funny costume reenactment with criminals trying to steal the treasure.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">HooDoo Choo Choo. Fairbanks, Alaska
  • Alaska Railroad

HooDoo Choo Choo is excursion to Oktoberfest. It includes great local beer, food prepared by university culinary students, and incredible views back and forth from Fairbanks to Nenana. Brewing company HooDoo produces classic German, Belgian, English and American beers and offers six half-pint tastings. And you can keep a glass for yourself. The trip lasts 4,5 hours and you must be over 21 to join.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Speakeasy Train. Boyertown, Pennsylvania
  • Colebrookdale Railroad

You will need a password to get into this glamorous a train, which takes you back to the era of Prohibition and the Roaring Twenties (only passengers with tickets receive the password). Inside, musicians play jazz numbers from Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong, while you enjoy appetizers, a signature drink, dessert and champagne toast, and if you need a cigar to end the evening, you can purchase one separately. The trip is three hours round trip. Gatsby would love this tour!

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Castaway Caboose. Durbin, West Virginia
  • Durbin & Greenbrier Valley Rail Road

The organizers they really leave you many miles away from "civilization" when the rest of train is leaving. They leave you in a carriage to spend two or four nights in the middle of nowhere. You are squatting by the Greenbrier River with a pile of firewood. It all sounds rustic, except that inside the car there is a refrigerator, stove, heater, full-sized shower and toilet, towels, bed linen for six people, and even a DVD player. There is no cell service, but you know that you will be rescued. A volleyball named Wilson is not included.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Mardi Gras Limited. Calera, Alabama
  • Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum

Mardi Gras actually started in Alabama, not Louisiana, and this a poem captured all the festivities of that special Tuesday. Dress in purple, gold and green and enjoy a 1,5-hour round trip to the Ozan Winery & Distillery tasting room, where you'll sample Yella Hound spirits and wines paired with small bites of traditional Mardi Gras cuisine. Bourbon and beignet kick in when you get a taste of each. If you still have space, buy a bottle or two to take home. You must be at least 21 years of age.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Stargazer Train. Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Sky Railway

One night per month historical carriages train Pullman turns into a rolling observatory with champagne and live music as professional astronomers tell stories about dark skies. With a view of the Galisteo Basin, passengers board open carriages to access telescopes aimed at the best constellations or planets visible that night.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Litchfield Hills BBQ & Whiskey Special. Thomaston, Connecticut
  • Naugatuck Railroad

It's easy to get drunk and full at BBQ and whiskey tastings. Tour lasts three hours, of which 1,5 hours on the road. Your trip includes several tastings of high-quality whiskey and bourbon, as well as barbecue served at the Bad Dog Brewing Company in Torrington's beautifully restored 1901 brick firehouse. Bad Dog Brewing is a small scale craft brewery. Their drinks will also be available for purchase. You must be at least 21 years of age.

class="_h3_cuogz_1">Platform 18. Phoenix, Arizona
  • Century Grand

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So this a train doesn't really move, but it provides an exciting 1,5 hour journey. You “depart” from platform 18 in a 36-seat Pullman-style train car inside the Century Grand, a building with three different immersive cocktail bars. Watch the fictional railroad tycoon and bootlegger from the 1930s run his liquor through the bays of Louisiana in a theatrical adventure complete with sound and light effects, animated graphics and even haze and smoke. All the while, you will enjoy vintage cocktails from the 1930s and 40s.

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