Illegals crawl and crawl: the border service complained about the vulnerability of the Trump wall - ForumDaily
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Illegals crawl and crawl: the border service complained about the vulnerability of the Trump wall

The United States Customs and Border Guard Service (CBP) has asked for help to make the border wall of US President Donald Trump more difficult to overcome. Consequently, the wall being erected on the border of the United States and Mexico is vulnerable. Writes about it The Washington Post.

Photo: Shutterstock

By June 12, federal contractors will offer new technologies and tools to protect themselves from overcoming the wall, as well as ideas for “building private sectors” that will allow investors and activists to acquire land, build a wall on it and sell it all to the government.

Trump continues the campaign for re-election, promising to complete the construction of a wall with a length of almost 500 miles (804 km) along the border with Mexico by the end of 2020.

Representatives of CBP said their request does not mean that the existing design is inadequate or has flaws.

“We have an adaptive adversary; no matter the materials, nothing can be impenetrable if given unlimited time and tools, the department said. — Walls help the US Border Patrol (USBP) slow down and stop illegal immigrants. This means that building a wall will deter some people from attempting to cross, while slowing down the efforts of those who are still trying.”

“This is the most complex border wall system we have ever built. But we will never overlook innovative and creative ideas that could continue to strengthen border walls,” CBP said.

Trump is expected to attend a ceremony in Yume (Arizona) next week to mark the completion of the 200 mile (321 km) barrier.

The US Customs and Border Protection Service says that, on average, the cost of one mile of a wall is 6,5 million dollars.

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The CBP did not publicly disclose how often smuggling teams violated or attempted to break into the structure. Records received by journalists under the Freedom of Information Act indicate that there were 18 violations in the San Diego area last fall in one month. The San Diego area has one of the most formidable barriers along the entire border. The construction of a new two-layer fence is basically completed.

However, the smuggling crews managed to cut steel bollards using commercially available demolition tools, such as reciprocating saws with inexpensive metal cutting blades. Others made long improvised stairs from cheap metal fittings. It has been noticed that more and more people are trying to cross the border using rope ladders to climb the wall.

A CBP request says the agency is looking for new ways to stop them:

“CBP recognizes that industry, other agencies, and other private organizations can have interesting innovative and useful ideas that can be implemented to enhance or improve the mission’s key operational constraints.”

Such offers may include sensors and cameras that provide early warning of wall crossing attempts, as well as “advanced painting technologies that enhance the ability of heat sensors to recognize the effects of tools on the wall, which will speed up detection.”

Trump retains a keen interest in the aesthetics and design elements of the barrier, and his changing preferences have repeatedly forced border officials and military engineers to struggle to adapt his tastes to the operational and geographical realities of the US-Mexico border.

The president has repeatedly insisted in recent weeks that the barrier should be painted black. The argument is that it will absorb more heat from the sun and deter illegal immigrants from trying to get over the wall. The government estimates that black paint will increase construction costs by at least $500 million. Skeptics point out that black paint will also increase maintenance costs. And illegal immigrants can simply use gloves to protect their hands.

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The We Build the Wall group raised $ 25 million in donations to create part of the wall privately.

“CBP recognizes that private and non-governmental organizations also have an interest in supporting the border security mission through the deployment of private construction,” the CBP notice states. “In general, parties who can arrange private financing and private land acquisition may be interested in developing a wall design that meets government requirements.”

The CBP's request also indicated 30 places where private barriers to selling to the government are supposed to be built.

At least two sections of Texas private barriers have been completed with the help of Fisher Industries. The President called on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to enter into border contracts with the company, whose CEO is a well-known GOP donor and Trump booster.

In May, Fisher Industries signed a $ 1,3 billion contract to install 42 miles of new black barriers in Arizona.

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