Illegal worked as a US immigration agent for 18 years: how is this possible
Although this US immigration agent has served the country for almost 25 years, he has been illegal all the time and can be deported just like the people he expelled for 18 years. Edition NPR talked to him.
This true story sounds like fiction. Imagine a US immigration agent who was born in another country and turns out to be in fact here illegally. Although the man had faithfully served the United States for nearly 25 years—first as a sailor and then as a federal officer—he is suddenly up for deportation. Such a sad story happened to an agent in South Texas.
Raul Rodriguez's nightmare began in 2018 while he was working at the Customs and Border Protection station in South Texas. Two managers came over and told him to hand over his gun and badge. They discovered that he was an illegal immigrant, just like those he had expelled for 18 years as a federal immigration agent. They found out that he did have a Mexican birth certificate, and all along he had been falsely claiming to be a US citizen.
“I thought I was doing everything that American citizens do—serving in the military, voting, serving on juries. And now I’m being punished for this,” Rodriguez laments.
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Rodriguez, 53, says he never knew he was born on a ranch near Matamoros, Mexico. It was only when he confronted his father a couple of years ago, trying to prove to the government that he was born in the United States, that he learned that his family had transported him across the border as an infant. They paid the midwife, and she falsified the birth certificate so that he could live and study in a Texas school. Rodriguez says that when it all came to light, he lost all of his friends and colleagues.
“They act like they don't see me. I can stand right in front of them, and they just turn away,” Raoul shared.
As a customs officer, Rodriguez was a good specialist. He once received an award for the secret work he did to uncover a criminal smuggling group.
“If such a person has to go through this hell, then what kind of system do we have?” says his lawyer Jaime Diez.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) rejected Rodriguez's application for citizenship or a green card. The office is adamant: Raoul lied about being American. And it doesn't matter that the person never knew that he was not a citizen. The Department of Homeland Security declined to comment on his case, saying it was a personnel issue.
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Rodriguez cannot travel north of the border patrol checkpoint, meaning he cannot leave the Rio Grande Valley or apply for a job. Therefore, he spends his days at his small ranch near the city of San Benito: caring for cows, sheep and chickens, sometimes working on the modernization of the Ford Mustang. Raoul lives with his wife Anita. Ironically, she works for the same immigration office that refused to legalize him. They have two children. Rodriguez tries not to think about what will happen if he loses the case and is deported.
“I have too many enemies in Mexico. I worked undercover with the cartels—a lot of deportations, a lot of asylum cases, a lot of visa cancellations,” he explained.
Rodriguez's unusual case has received widespread attention in the Rio Grande Valley. On the one hand, these federal jobs are in high demand. On the other hand, agents can be sharply criticized. And it is very rare when one of these exemplary workers suddenly becomes an illegal immigrant himself.
“People curse me. They use the F-word and tell me I got what I deserved for what I did,” the undocumented immigrant says of the comments on social media.
Raul Rodriguez will be living in limbo for almost five years when he can finally tell his story to an immigration judge in September 2022.
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