Some diseases can prevent you from getting a green card: a list and ways to solve the problem
Some medical conditions may prevent you from getting a green card. Which diagnoses can affect the decision, and what are the exceptions, reports DailyNews.
If you are traveling on a temporary work visa, you do not need to have a medical examination at the interview. If you are traveling on an immigrant visa, you must undergo a medical examination. The list of diseases that prevent you from obtaining a visa includes only those diseases that the US Department of Health and Human Services defines as infectious diseases of public health importance.
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The HHS list includes mild chancroid, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinal, infectious leprosy, lymphogranuloma venereum, infectious syphilis, and active tuberculosis. Please note that HIV-positive people are no longer on the list.
Applicants for permanent residence must undergo a medical examination to show that they do not have an HHS-listed disease. Applicants who have these medical conditions may qualify for an ineligibility waiver. To be eligible for a green card, an applicant must be the spouse, parent or unmarried son or daughter of a permanent resident or U.S. citizen, or the parent of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or a person who has been issued an immigrant visa by a consul abroad.
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Applicants with curable diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis may become permanent residents once they are no longer contagious.
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