Do not buy these 10 car models: they break down quickly and repairs will be expensive - ForumDaily
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Don't Buy These 10 Car Models: They Break Down Quickly and Repairs Are Expensive

If you want a reliable iron horse, the well-known adage “forewarned is forearmed” takes on a new meaning, especially in 2023, when car prices continue to rise amid significant inflation. Because of these economic challenges, it's especially important to exercise caution before investing heavily in a new vehicle. Edition GO Banking Rates put together a list of 10 cars most likely to break down after 100 miles (160 km).

Photo: IStock

Jacob Carter, owner of Engine Rev Up, a blog dedicated to the intricacies of car maintenance and repair, shared his observations. In Carter's extensive experience, certain car models are more susceptible to complex repairs and breakdowns, especially after they've hit the 100-mile mark.

  • Starting suggested retail price: $ 24

The Nissan Altima is a mid-size sedan known for its reliable performance, comfortable interior and advanced safety features. However, the continuously variable transmission used in many Altimas has a tendency to fail prematurely, often shortly after reaching the 100 mile mark. According to Carter, this problem can lead to costly repairs.

class="p1">BMW 3 Series
  • Starting suggested retail price: $ 41

The BMW 3 Series is a luxury compact car renowned for its sporty performance, premium interior and innovative technology. Unfortunately, according to Carter, these vehicles have high maintenance costs, with many requiring engine or electrical repairs around or shortly after reaching 100 miles.

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class="p1">Land Rover Discovery

“While the Land Rover Discovery is a beautiful vehicle, it has earned a bad reputation for air suspension problems, electrical anomalies and premature transmission failure,” Carter said.

class="p1">Fiat 500

The Fiat 500 is a compact and stylish city car known for its European charm and nimble agility. Charming yet petite, this car is often plagued with engine problems, especially oil leaks. In addition, limited space in the engine bay contributes to high repair costs.

class="p1">Jeep Wrangler

The Jeep Wrangler is an iconic off-road vehicle known for its rugged construction and exceptional off-road ability. Carter says that while it offers an enjoyable off-road ride, this SUV is prone to rust, as well as steering and suspension issues that need repairs.

class="p1">Ford Fiesta
  • Starting suggested retail price: $ 15

The Ford Fiesta is a compact car that impresses with its agility and fuel efficiency, making it a popular choice for city driving. While it's an economical subcompact option, Carter says it's experienced powertrain and electrical glitches and should be avoided.

class="p1">Chrysler 200
  • Starting suggested retail price: $ 22

The Chrysler 200 is a mid-size sedan known for its sleek design and comfortable interior. It offers a combination of style and practicality. Carter notes that the Chrysler 200 has a noticeable frequency of engine, transmission and electrical repairs required for relatively low mileage.

class="p1">Volkswagen Tiguan
  • Starting suggested retail price: $ 26

The Volkswagen Tiguan is known for its stylish design and comfortable interior, making it an attractive choice for those looking for a combination of aesthetics and comfort in their vehicle. However, according to the expert, it has gained a reputation for running into costly powertrain problems, often shortly after hitting the 100-mile threshold.

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class="p1">Mini Cooper
  • Starting suggested retail price: $ 22

Known for its compact and distinctive design, the Mini Cooper is popular with people who like to stand out by choosing a unique vehicle. However, as Carter said, he is plagued by constant problems related to oil leaks, turbo failures, as well as problems with the suspension and electrical.

class="p1">Tesla Model S
  • Starting suggested retail price: $ 81

Known for its impressive acceleration and cutting-edge technology, the Tesla Model S requires a significant investment to replace the battery, often around or shortly after the 100-mile mark, Carter said.

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