Without crossing the Atlantic: 11 places in the USA that can replace the best corners of Europe - ForumDaily
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Without crossing the Atlantic: 11 places in the USA that can replace the best corners of Europe

Whether you're trying to save money or just don't have time to cross the Atlantic, these US destinations have a European vibe, writes Travel + Leasure.

Napa, California. Photo: Shutterstock

There's a European destination for every type of traveler. Honeymooners head to Positano, art lovers to the Orsay Museum in Paris, tourists to Plitvice Lakes National Park, and skiers to the Dolomites. Although every European hotspot has a low and high season, Europe is good at any time - even in rain, scorching sun or bitter cold, there is always a stunning sight to be found there. But while this all sounds great, sometimes traveling to Europe just isn't in the cards.

Maybe you can't make a European trip because of the price, or maybe you just don't like flying. Or perhaps you don't have time to cross the Atlantic because most of your vacation days are set aside for the eight weddings you intend to attend this year. Whatever the reason, if Europe isn't on the cards right now, you can satisfy your craving for an exciting European getaway right in the US.

Instead of Tuscany, Italy: Napa, California

Winding roads, lush hills and, of course, the famous vineyards of Tuscany are all within reach without flying to Italy. Napa has the same great views and the same good wine. If you want to stay in the middle of a vineyard in an Italian-style villa, Napa Valley Lodge is one of the most charming hotels in Napa County. And just a short walk from Hope and Grace Wine Cellars and Bouchon Bakery.

Instead of Cyprus: Mount Desert Island, Maine

The second largest island on the east coast (just behind Long Island) is Mount Desert Island, where you'll find the town of Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. Cyprus lies south of Greece and is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. The lush hills are great for hiking, but the views of the Mediterranean Sea along the coast are equally spectacular. Likewise, Mount Desert Island in Maine offers great hiking and unreal coastal views. Cyprus has a lot of history, so look for historic hotels in Maine too, like The Inn on Mount Desert, which is located in Bar Harbor's historic corridor.

Instead of Madrid, Spain: St. Augustine, Florida

Along the northeast coast of Florida, you'll find St. Augustine, a city known for its Spanish colonial architecture. It was founded in the 1500s by Spanish explorers and their customs flourish to this day. If you want to enjoy some great Spanish culture, try the seafood paella at Casa Maya and visit Castillo de San Marcos, a 17th century fortress.

Photo: Shutterstock

Instead of the French Alps: Mount Hood, Oregon

Built in 1938, the historic and elegant Timberline Lodge will take you straight to a stunning city in the French Alps. With Mount Hood and year-round snow in the background, you can enjoy an Alpine vacation that can easily feel European. You can even sample "European Alpine style après ski fondue" at the Ram's Head Restaurant.

Instead of Nice, France: Newport, Rhode Island

Nice has a wonderful coastline, magnificent architecture along the water, French-Italian cuisine and freshly caught seafood. Few destinations in the US can boast of all this, but Newport, Rhode Island is certainly one of them. Newport is known for strolls along the Atlantic Ocean to exquisite waterfront mansions. Not only is the historic architecture and coastline breathtaking, but Rhode Island is known for its seafood and authentic Italian cuisine. Buy mussels (mussels) from Scales & Shells in Newport.

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Instead of Cinque Terre, Italy: Big Sur, California

The Cinque Terre coastline is one of the most sought after in Europe. Cinque Terre, as the name suggests, is made up of five small villages and you can walk between them, taking in stunning views of the coastline along the way. Big Sur offers the same dramatic views of the coastline, and the cliffs are just as high and rugged as those in the Cinque Terre. However, unlike the Italian destination, which attracts hordes of tourists every summer, Big Sur is surprisingly peaceful and quiet.

Photo: Shutterstock

Instead of Switzerland: New Glarus, Wisconsin

New Glarus boasts Swiss architecture and culture, and the small farmland villages resemble Glarus in Switzerland. Considered America's Little Switzerland, the New Glarus Hotel's restaurant offers an authentic Swiss dinner with beef fondue and bourguignon. There is a lot of chocolate in true Swiss spirit, as is the Swiss-American pastry found at New Glarus Bakery.

Instead of Germany: Frankenmouth, Michigan

Germany is famous for its holiday markets - Christkindlesmarkt, as some call them. Frankenmuth replicates this sentiment, except at Bronner's Christmas Market, the holiday season lasts all year round. Seeing Frankenmuth in the snow is like walking through Nuremberg in winter. For a truly German experience, stay at the Bavarian Inn Lodge.

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Instead of the British countryside: San Francisco Bay Area, California

The British countryside is as sophisticated as it is timeless, and to experience that, you need a castle designed to reflect that level. Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa was inspired by the country house of the Marquis de Lafayette and is built against a backdrop of historic oak trees, hills and romantic courtyards. And there is nothing more European than sipping locally produced meats on the courtyard with a fountain. Similar to the quaint provincial towns of Hampshire and Essex near London, Lafayette is just 32 km from San Francisco, making it easy to spend the day sightseeing in the city.

Photo: Shutterstock

Instead of Rome: New York

From St. Peter's Basilica to the Colosseum, Italy's capital is a combination of historical ruins, great art and, of course, classic Italian cuisine. New York is a pretty obvious replacement because the art is just as inspiring and the Italian food is legendary in its own right. For an art tour of New York, similar to the ones you can take at the National Gallery of Modern Art and the Vatican Museums in Rome, start at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, which houses 5000 years of art. For contemporary art, visit the Met Breuer and end the tour at the Guggenheim Museum, where the building itself is as fantastic as the works housed in the museum. And when you're exploring Little Italy in search of authentic Italian cuisine, stop by Emilio's Ballato.

Instead of Sweden: Lindsborg, Kansas

In the heart of Lindsborg you will find the Swedish Pavilion, which was originally built for the 1904 World's Fair. From small cultural touches like the Swedish art displayed throughout Lindsborg to the celebration of Swedish Heritage Days every October, tributes to Sweden are always present in this Kansas city. You can find traditional Swedish souvenirs here, such as wooden Dalecarlian horses at Hemslojd, and hearty Swedish dishes at The Swedish Crown.

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