Not sharks and lions: 10 deadliest animals for humans - ForumDaily
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Not sharks and lions: 10 deadliest animals for humans

Over the past weekend in Florida, sharks attacked 2 people at once. However, in Volusia County alone, this is the third shark attack this year. But do not rush to panic, it turns out that these "cute fish" are not scary at all, they are not even included in the top 10 deadliest animals for humans.

Photo: IStock

Volusia County security officials said a 48-year-old Lake Worth man was bitten by a shark, causing minor back injuries. However, the man refused hospitalization, writes Fox 35 Orlando.

The day before, officials said the 21-year-old man from DeLand was surfing just after 15 p.m. when he was attacked by a shark.

The man suffered serious foot injuries and was taken to the hospital.

What are the chances of being bitten by a shark

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) said it is "highly unlikely" to be bitten in Florida waters. If the shark does attack, the injury is usually not life-threatening, officials said.

If you are swimming on an ocean beach or inland waters, the FWC recommends staying in groups as sharks can bite a lone person; swim in areas guarded by lifeguards and avoid being in the water at night or at dusk when sharks are most active.

10 deadliest animals for humans

When you think of deadly and dangerous animals, what comes to mind? Most likely, these are large carnivorous top predators, such as lions, wolves or sharks, writes Discover Wild Life.

Sharks don't even make the list, as they are only responsible for six human deaths a year on average. Lions? Total 22.

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The deadliest animals are often the smallest and cause death not through strength but through disease and toxins.

10 Hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius)

500 deaths per year

Let's start with the biggest one. When you think of deadly African wildlife, you might assume that lions have taken the top spot. In fact, hippos kill far more people each year.

Causing about 500 deaths a year, hippos are very deadly land mammals. This is because they are very aggressive and territorial, and have a habit of attacking boats and capsizing them.

The people on board then either drown or are killed by the animals themselves. Weighing an average of 1500kg (males), with large, sharp teeth, this is definitely an animal you won't want to fight.

9. Elephants (family Elephantidae)

500 deaths per year

Perhaps we can think of elephants as gentle, caring creatures, but they can also be deadly. This is partly due to their sheer size and weight, as they are the largest living land animals.

Due to habitat loss and encroachment of farmland into elephant habitats, elephants are increasingly coming into contact with humans, resulting in conflicts.

Groups of elephants have been known to raid farms and villages and gore or trample any humans that get in their way. One hit by an elephant is enough to kill, and thus there are about 500 deaths per year.

8 Salted Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)

1000 deaths per year

Another deadly water dweller to avoid is the combed or saltwater crocodile. Crocodiles as a group are quite deadly, killing around 1000 people a year, but they usually don't intend to prey on humans, and the killings are opportunistic in nature.

The saltwater crocodile, however, is one of those who most often see humans as prey. It is also ferocious, fast, and intimidating, being the largest known living reptile and crocodile. Males can grow up to 6 meters in length and weigh 1300 kg.

When chasing prey in the water, they can also reach speeds of up to 18 miles (29 km) per hour. All this together means that if a crocodile has chosen you as its prey, survival is unlikely.

7. Ascaris (genus Ascaris)

2500 deaths per year

This place is occupied by a parasite. That is, an animal that lives on or in another organism (the host) and harms it.

Roundworms are parasites, not just carriers. Roundworms are transmitted when a person accidentally ingests their eggs, which unfortunately usually happens when food or drink is contaminated with human feces.

The worms take up residence in the small intestine and use the human body to survive, feed and reproduce. The resulting disease, called ascariasis, is characterized by fever, abdominal pain and swelling, shortness of breath, and kills about 2500 people every year.

6. Scorpions (squad of Scorpions)

2600 deaths per year

Some of the deadliest animals are those that deliver poison. Unlike venomous animals that secrete toxins, venomous animals deliver it directly through specialized body parts, through a bite or, in this case, a sting.

Scorpions produce venom for the same reason many species do, not to kill humans, but to subdue or kill their prey. However, the poison of 25 species of scorpions can be fatal to humans.

Stings often happen when scorpions are accidentally stepped on with bare feet or when they hide in people's shoes. They use attack as a defense mechanism against being crushed, not as an attack.

About 2600 deaths a year are caused by scorpion stings. The most deadly in the world is the Indian red scorpion (Hottentotta tamulus).

5. Assassin Beetle (Family Reduviidae)

10 deaths per year

Another insect that spreads disease and death through its bite is the aptly named assassin bug. Some species of this Central and South American beetle are responsible for the spread of Chagas disease, another tropical parasitic disease that kills about 10 people worldwide every year.

Species that do this are also often referred to as "kissing bugs" as they tend to bite people's faces when they sleep.

4. Sand efa (Echis carinatus)

138 deaths per year

The poisonous sand efa holds the record for the most lethal snake. In general, snakes are at the top of the list of deadly creatures, as up to 138 people die from snake bites every year.

The sand viper or scaly viper is a particularly aggressive species, making it more deadly than the snake, which is actually the most venomous, but also shy, taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus).

Its aggressive nature, combined with its potent venom and presence in densely populated areas, makes the sand efu a dangerous snake.

3. Freshwater snails (class of gastropods)

200 deaths per year

This may surprise you. Over 200 deaths per year are associated with freshwater snails. This is because they are hosts to deadly parasites, specifically the parasitic flatworms known as flukes.

There are as many as 24 species of flukes, and most of them are parasites of vertebrates (like us) and molluscs (like snails).

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A particularly nasty species transmitted by freshwater snails is called Schistosoma. They live and develop inside the snail and are then released into the water. People become infected through contaminated fresh water when the worm penetrates the skin.

This is the cause of a deadly human disease called schistosomiasis, also known as snail fever.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2000, the disease is considered the second most "socio-economically devastating" parasitic disease and causes up to 200 deaths per year.

2. People (Homo sapiens)

431 deaths per year

It's a cliché, but (other than the first place) the deadliest animal is ourselves.

Murder accounts for approximately 431 human deaths per year, making us the deadliest mammals. Our ability to use advanced weapons, beyond the capabilities of all other animals, has in some ways become our problem, leading to the creation of sophisticated weapons that we use to kill each other.

And that's not to mention the devastating impact our activities have had on the natural world, resulting in climate change that is already estimated to kill more than 150 people every year.

Climate change affects people's health and safety in many ways, affecting the purity of water and air, our food security and the frequency of natural disasters. It can also increase the incidence of diseases such as malaria.

WHO estimates that between 2030 and 2050, climate change will result in approximately 250 additional deaths per year due to malnutrition and disease.

1. Mosquitoes (family Culicidae)

725 - 000 deaths per year

The clearest example of a very small animal with a very big influence. In terms of the number of people killed each year, mosquitoes certainly hold the record, claiming between 725 and 000 people annually. However, this does not mean that these tiny insects intended to kill.

Instead of killing directly, mosquitoes are very common "disease vectors". This means that when they feed on the blood of humans and animals, they simultaneously transmit pathogens of infectious diseases, transferring bacteria, viruses and parasites from person to person.

The mosquito-borne disease with the highest number of deaths is malaria, a parasitic infection spread by female Anopheles mosquitoes. This disease is so widespread and deadly that it has had a huge impact on human history and even our evolution.

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