13-meter statue of naked Trump installed near Las Vegas - ForumDaily
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13-Meter Naked Trump Statue Erected Near Las Vegas

A nude statue of the 45th US President Donald Trump was erected near Las Vegas, Nevada, over the weekend. The colossus towers over Interstate 15 on its way to Utah, writes 3 News.

Photo: Stavros Damos | Dreamstime.com

The 13-metre tall statue is called "Perverted and Obscene".

The sculpture, made of foam on rebar weighing almost three tons, has a puppet-like design with movable limbs.

The team that created the statue timed their project to coincide with the upcoming elections. The statue will likely remain on the highway until early November, unless, of course, they try to remove it somehow.


Photos of the Trump statue have been making the rounds on social media, with some calling the giant puppet "disgusting and un-American," while most are having a blast ogling and commenting on the 45th president's naked assets.

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