Chiefs in New York will not be allowed to disturb employees after hours - ForumDaily
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Chiefs in New York will not be allowed to disturb employees after hours

In New York, they want to pass a law that will prohibit companies from forcing employees to respond to workers' letters outside the office. The authors of the initiative are confident that New Yorkers, who have been holding the palm for the year in terms of the duration of the working week, become workaholics of their own accord.

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Riad Elhalabi does not go to work, but almost runs. Getting from the neighboring state of New Jersey to Manhattan is always a risky business, and today the train was delayed.

He was born in Syria, but he lived almost all his life in Russia. When I got to my feet in Moscow, I decided to move on and bought a one-way ticket. For three years, a businessman has been working seven days a week, sleeping four hours a day. All this for the sake of a beloved project - very soon in the prestigious area of ​​Chelsea, he will open an oriental restaurant. “Where do the forces come from? Supporting family, friends is very important and forces emerge after that! ”, Says the businessman.

First, he was looking for a broker for a long time, then a lawyer, a room into which inspectors now come almost every day. New York is not Moscow, you can't buy all the information for money, the Riad is joking. With the opening of the restaurant, the work will only increase, what kind of vacation is there. But the businessman is ready to spend the night here - if only customers would come more often.

“The first time and a long time I have to be from morning to end in order to monitor all the processes and make sure that everything is sold on time and with high quality. And then we will think about the rest! ”said Alhalyabi.

Lawyer Arina Shulga cannot imagine morning in New York without coffee. The road to work is necessarily accompanied by a visit to your favorite cafe. However, this weakness is one of the few that Arina still allows herself.

Muscovite Arina moved to the States in 1993 year. Higher education at a local university, a red diploma - and there is no end of clients. Now she has her own company, she has to work around the clock. And so 16 years, often without weekends and holidays. First of all, Arina welcomes colleagues.

The first step is to check your email: every morning from 200 to 300 letters from those who are looking for investors, from those who have already found or are going to open an account in the offshore. Arina’s firm can hardly be called a financial corporation, but the money is spinning big here.

“One of our clients started out as a small startup in California. And now we have completed a deal valuing this business at 100 million - and this business received investments worth 20 million. This is such a technological platform - I don’t want to name the name - because you most likely have heard about it,” said lawyer Arina Shulga.

In the evening, Arina has a lecture at the Higher Law School, she will tell students about startups. In general, she is a classic New York workaholic. And in all this fuss, like many residents of the city, she somehow manages to raise children. And Arina has twins - twelve-year-old Anya and Kohl.

“Just as you plan some kind of call or meeting and plan your vacation, you plan the time you spend with the children. For example, the best time is from six to nine in the evening. I plan to be with my family and 100% with them this time, but when I am there with them - I’m 100% with them, then they go to sleep, and I can 100% do something else - the same work, ”added Schulga .

And yet she spends most of her life in the office, where you can see skyscrapers from the window. Millions of people work in countless Manhattan offices without end.

The rise in the morning hours at 5 - and immediately for a run, breakfast is out of the question - many financiers, bankers and brokers in New York have long been accustomed to this rhythm of life. They specifically rent an apartment in the financial center of the city, not far from the famous stock exchange. And if the schedule fails (and it’s impossible to be late for work), then you have to change into a business suit literally on the go.

Hurrying and stumbling, they always look at the clock. And it is also desirable that the suit was sitting. Someone begins to work at sunrise, and someone does not leave the 24 workplace an hour a day, plunging into the world of numbers, trades and deals.

Many US residents are sure: if you don’t work hard, you won’t see the American dream. Maybe that is why, by the number of working hours per capita, the States are ahead of the UK, Germany and Japan.

Based on Gallup surveys, Wallet-Hub specialists conducted a study this year. 116 US major cities are studied by nine parameters, including the level of employment, the average number of working hours per week, and the number of places on the labor market.

And here are the five most industrious cities in America: San Francisco was the leader, then Fremont, also the state of California. New York is in fifth place, but it is by far the number of working hours per week.

The famous movie “The Devil Wears Prada” 12 years ago told how difficult it is to get through and build a career in New York. Yulia Chislenko, a psychologist, is sure that there are many such demanding bosses now. With a request to solve the problem of excessive diligence dozens of patients come to it, and if you do not stop and do not pause, expect the worst.

“There are a variety of things happening. For example, people start to hurt: it is unclear why there are problems with the skin, a headache or stomach problems begins. Very often, this pressure passes into the body, and when people realize that everything happens because they have an impossible rhythm, sometimes it is already late and you have to leave and take radical measures, ”said psychologist Yulia Chislenko.

New trend: New Yorkers tired of work and city fuss turn for help not to psychologists, but to the so-called “professional embracing”. For $ 80 per hour, caress the client, give a light massage and hug, but no kisses! This touching business came up with Adam Lippin.

In the center of "professional embracing" Adam Lippin.
Photography: Cuddlist Professional Cuddling / Facebook

“I won’t tell you exactly how much we make, but we’re fine. Look, we have had more than 11 thousand sessions since the very beginning of our activities, that is, in two and a half years since we opened our business,” said businessman Adam Lippin.

Manager Corvin Duncan, who just a few minutes ago was literally falling off his feet, after an evening session, it seems, is quite cheerful. Now there is strength to return to work.

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