On international flights in the United States tightened security controls - ForumDaily
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On international flights in the United States tightened security controls

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On July 20, new, more stringent safety rules came into force when inspecting passengers departing to the US from around the world.

About the new rules of travelers warned airports, transport administrations and airlines, writes USA Today.

The Canadian Air Transport Safety Association warned travelers that if they were selected for additional screening, they would need to remove all electronics from their bags and turn them on. The association urged travelers to ensure that all devices are charged before the trip.

Airline Aeromexico warned her passengers that they needed to arrive at the airport three hours before the departure of direct flights to the USA in order to have time to undergo additional testing. The airline explained that the additional verification is aimed at confirming that the object is indeed an electronic device, and not a prohibited object. Passengers were asked to be ready to demonstrate their devices, which will be checked in their presence.

Japan Airlines also published information on enhancing checks.

The US Security Department announced the upcoming introduction of June 28 measures aimed at better detection of explosives hidden in electronics.

New security measures apply to 180 airlines flying to the United States from 280 airports to 105 countries.

If airlines or airports refuse to apply new security measures, they may face a ban on the transportation of electrical equipment in hand luggage.

At the moment, this ban, which was introduced in March for a number of airlines in the Middle East and Africa, canceled for all airlinesbecause they met new security requirements.

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