For a grant of $ 1 million in the United States will create a center for the study of Russia
The Carnegie Corporation charitable organization has provided a $ 1 million grant to set up a new Center for Russian Research. This center will operate at Indiana University.
The Institute of Russian East European Studies operates at the educational institution. A new center will be created on its basis, according to the university administration.
“The grant will allow the institute to expand its work in the field of studying and training specialists in modern Russian politics and society. The new center will strengthen Indiana University’s position in Russian research,” university representatives said.
The project will be led by Regina Smith. The center plans to focus on the problems that arose after the collapse of the USSR, and the approach will be innovative. In this way they want to “stimulate the training of a new generation of specialists to study US-Russian relations and regional problems in Russia.”
Columbia University and the University of Wisconsin have already received $1 million in grants. The reason for the allocation of such a grant is the decrease in the number of specialists on Russia in American educational institutions.
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