This week on the moon you can see the 'da Vinci glow': this is a rare and beautiful phenomenon - ForumDaily
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This week on the moon you can see the 'da Vinci glow': it's a rare and beautiful phenomenon

The phenomenon called the radiance of the Earth was first explained by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century. At this moment, the Moon is illuminated by the reflected light of our planet. Guardian.

Photo: IStock

On Sunday, May 21, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to witness an extraordinary cosmic phenomenon. The moon will be a thin crescent, less than 5% of its visible surface will be illuminated by the sun. As the sky darkens, the unlit part of the moon will also faintly glow. This will be due to a phenomenon known as the radiance of the Earth, first explained by the famous scientist Leonardo da Vinci.

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The glow of the unlit part of the Moon comes from the fact that sunlight reflected from the Earth will fall on the Moon. That is, the Earth itself, as it were, illuminates the Moon, although in fact our planet only reflects the light of the Sun.

When viewed from the Moon, the Earth is 50 times brighter than the full Moon as seen from Earth, meaning there is never a truly dark night on the near side of the Moon. The radiance of the Earth was first explained by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century. The phenomenon is also called the ashen glow, or poetically "the old moon in the arms of the new."

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