Americans offer to sell one of the states of Canada to reduce government debt
“We have too much debt and Montana is useless. Just tell them there are beavers or something like that," the description begins. petitions on the site, created by American Ian Hammond.
The man offers to sell Montana Canada for 1 a trillion dollars so that the US can pay off the national debt. The idea at the time of this writing was supported by more than 16 thousands of people out of the thousands of 25 needed for this proposal to be submitted to the government, writes New York Post.
The US national debt reaches 22 trillions of dollars, and apparently, therefore, Hammond got the idea of how to reduce this number slightly. The purpose of the petition was to collect 15 thousands of signatures. It has already been reached, and every few minutes the voices are added.
Since page continues to attract attention, lawmakers in the state of Montana are working to put forward a bill that would oppose the sale. According to the Great Falls Tribune, the State Government Committee voted to allow employees to draw up a resolution opposing this idea.
Committee Chairman Forrest Mandeville proposed the resolution as "a little fun." Mandeville told the newspaper that his argument in the bill was that "we don't know the Canadian national anthem beyond the first two words."
Rep. Jessica Karjala jokingly responded, "What about those of us who would like more maple syrup, better tea and free healthcare?"
Although the bill did not receive sufficient support for voting, Mandeville hopes to find another way to bring it to the attention of the House of Representatives.
In response to the attention his petition has received, Hammond wrote: "I'm just surprised that so many people supported my proposal."
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