Boris Moiseev died at the age of 69 - ForumDaily
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Boris Moiseev died at the age of 69

After a long illness, the legendary Russian singer Boris Moiseev died at the age of 69. 24 media.

Screenshot: Russia 1 / YouTube

This was told by his art director Sergey Gorokh.

“Yes, it is… Today at 2 o’clock,” he said.

Peas added that nothing is yet known about the dates of the farewell ceremony and funeral.

Boris Moiseev was a Russian pop star. So few of the male artists dared to go against the current and “light up” on stage: skirts, feathers, rhinestones, nudity, bright makeup, which even women did not dare to apply. True, the singer claimed that he felt a sense of shame for what he did in his youth, only to be noticed and started talking about him.

Born in prison

The biography of Boris Moiseev began in an unusual setting. The singer and dancer was born on March 4, 1954 in prison. Of the parents, the boy had only his mother, Genya Borisovna, who was imprisoned, according to her son's stories, according to a political article.

Moiseev grew up as a weak, often ill child. Later, the mother gave the boy to a dance club in order to somehow improve his health. Since then, Boris has realized that dancing is his calling. He improvised a lot, arranged home concerts for neighbors. After graduating from school, the future artist packed his bags and left for Minsk to study.

Dances, Pugacheva and America

Having moved to the capital of Belarus, Moiseev entered the choreographic school. There, the young man studied classical dance with a ballerina named Mladinskaya, an associate of the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Anna Pavlova. Boris excelled in his studies, but was constantly drawn to pop dancing. It so happened that after receiving a diploma, the young man had to leave Minsk - this became a kind of exile for love of freedom and a sharp tongue.

The aspiring artist ended up in Ukraine. In the Kharkov Opera and Ballet Theater Moiseev made a career from an ordinary dancer to a choreographer. But Boris was forced to leave this city too, when, after being expelled from the Komsomol, all doors were closed to him. In 1975 he moved to one of the most independent Soviet cities - Kaunas (Lithuania). There he worked in a musical theater, and a little later he took the position of chief choreographer of the Trinitas orchestra.

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3 years after moving to Kaunas, Boris Moiseev created the Expression dance trio, in which, besides himself, 2 girls participated. Later, the trio began to collaborate with the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater. As part of Expression, Moiseev took part in a large number of competitions and festivals.

In the late 1980s, the trio "Expression" came out from under the wing of Alla Borisovna, the artists decided to start a solo career. The idea was a success: the dancers performed in clubs in Western Europe, worked for a long time on the Italian TV channel RAI-2 as part of the show “Raffaella Cara Presents”. Very soon, Moiseev was already working by profession in America, where he managed to try his hand at the role of chief production director of the municipal city theater of New Orleans.


In 1991 Boris Moiseev moved to Russia. The documentary film "Expression" about his dance trio was released. It was this event that marked the beginning of the singer's solo career in his homeland. In 1992, the trio was transformed into the show project "Boris Moiseev and his lady." After 3 years, the artist created his own show theater and presented his debut performance "Child of Vice". The artist's first album with the same name was released in 1996.

The performances of the artist could no longer be called purely dance - at concerts, Moiseev created a show, shocked the audience with all sorts of extravagant antics. From the debut album, the songs "Tango Cocaine", "Child of Vice", "Egoist" became hits.

In the late 1990s, several hits appeared at once. Among them is "Deaf-mute love", he dedicated it to his mother. Moiseev sang "Blue Moon" together with Nikolai Trubach. After the high-profile premiere, the website called the song the gay anthem of the Russian Federation. The duet also featured the hit "The Nutcracker". The composition "Black Velvet", presented by him a little later, also became a landmark in the musician's work.

Later, the hit "Scarlet Star" appeared. In 2004, Moiseev, together with actress and singer Lyudmila Gurchenko, released the song "Petersburg - Leningrad", which was awarded a number of awards. Interestingly, the artists were credited with a novel, but after the release of the hit, they even managed to quarrel. In a duet with Nilda Fernandez, Moiseev performed another track "When you forget me" ("At the crossroads of two roads").

Later, 2 albums were released, followed by a creative break due to deteriorating health. In 2012, the artist recorded the disc “Pastor. The best of men”, distinguished by the philosophical depth of the texts.

Producer Evgeny Fridlyand, who collaborated with Moiseev from the late 90s to 2010, said that Boris Mikhailovich performed to a soundtrack. It was impossible to perform compositions live, because the artist moved a lot on stage. Yes, and he himself called his action a comedy-drama performance. In addition to singing, Moiseev joked, told funny stories, amused the audience in every possible way.

One of the pages of the singer's life, hidden from the eyes of the public, is charity. Being on the wave of popularity, the artist transferred funds to oncological children's centers, to the Mogilev Tuberculosis Dispensary. Moiseev provided assistance to veterans and made large contributions to the Union of Theater Workers.

Personal life

Boris Moiseev became the first Russian artist to come out. For many years, the public believed without a doubt that the singer was gay. But in 2010, Moiseev made a sensational statement in which he admitted that he was not a homosexual and invented a legend about it in order to create a kind of outrageous image and achieve success. And in general, he was going to marry an American citizen Adele Todd.

The behavior of Boris Moiseev was condemned by the LGBT community. Their representatives resented the fact that Moiseev created a negative and caricature image of a gay man, forcing others to think that homosexual men behave in a mannered and effeminate manner.

Health status

At the end of 2010, Boris Mikhailovich was admitted to the hospital with a suspected stroke. Alla Pugacheva regularly visited him there, and so that Moiseev’s ballet would not be left without a salary, the team was taken by Christina Orbakaite.

The diagnosis was confirmed, the artist's condition was rapidly deteriorating - the entire left side of the body was paralyzed. After 3 days, Moiseev was put into a coma and connected to a device that artificially supports the breathing process.

The disease has receded. The showman stayed in the hospital until February 2011, and a few months later he sang on the New Wave. Unfortunately, the singer did not manage to fully recover from the illness: Boris Mikhailovich gained excess weight, his facial muscles were disrupted, and speech was also difficult.

A healthy lifestyle did not save the artist from a second stroke, which happened in 2015. In the last years of his life, the singer was engaged in special simulators, did not drink alcohol, followed the recommendations of doctors and regularly took the necessary medications. The musician, as the journalists claimed, became a believer. As he himself admitted, his life changed dramatically after suffering illness and coma.

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The media wrote that Boris Moiseev was going to move to Miami. The musician was invited to America by a friend, businesswoman Adele Todd, with whom, according to rumors, he again wanted to start a family. Later it turned out that the singer traveled to the United States, but not for the sake of solving personal life issues, but for treatment and rehabilitation.

In the last years of his life, Boris Mikhailovich lived alone in an apartment, which he completely rebuilt after an illness.

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