A man flew from Africa to Europe in the landing gear compartment and survived: he spent several hours in freezing cold - ForumDaily
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The man flew from Africa to Europe in the landing gear compartment and survived: he spent several hours in freezing cold

At Amsterdam Schiphol Airport on January 23, they discovered a man who had stowed away in the chassis compartment of a cargo airliner, having flown in from southern Africa - and still survived, reports with the BBC.

Photo: Shutterstock

Those who try to fly somewhere for free in this way most often do not survive: the air temperature at the altitude at which modern airliners fly is usually about minus fifty degrees, and the air itself is very rarefied, while the landing gear compartments, unlike the cabin aircraft are not airtight.

“The man was found alive in a stable condition in the nose landing gear compartment of the plane and was taken to hospital,” said Johanna Helmonds, a spokeswoman for the joint police and border guard service of the Netherlands. “First of all, of course, we are concerned about his state of health.”

“The fact that he survived in such cold and at such altitude is extremely unusual,” Helmonds added. “Very, very unusual!”

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This lucky man, according to the assumptions of the police and the press, flew to the Netherlands from Johannesburg or Nairobi, and the flight from Johannesburg to Schiphol lasts about 11 hours.

The age and nationality of the discovered man has not yet been reported.

A spokesman for Cargolux Italia confirmed that an unidentified person was found aboard their cargo plane, but declined to comment further, citing the company must first conduct its own investigation.

The only cargo flight from Cargolux that arrived at Schiphol Airport on January 23 was a Boeing 747 that took off from Johannesburg and made a stopover in Nairobi.

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The airport representative also did not go into details of the incident, noting only that “hares” arriving on planes to Holland are very rare, and in previous cases they were illegal migrants from Nigeria and Kenya.

Last year, Dutch border guards found the body of a Nigerian man in the undercarriage compartment of a plane that landed at Schiphol Airport, who was trying to sneak to Europe.

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