Multi-millionaire of the day: the bank accidentally deposited $ 37 million into a woman's account in Texas - ForumDaily
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Multi-millionaire of the day: the bank accidentally deposited $ 37 million into the account of a woman from Texas

A bank mistake made a Texas woman a millionaire for one day. Writes about it Dailymail.

Фото: Depositphotos

Rall Ballon, a 35-year-old Dallas resident, checked her bank account this week to discover an additional amount: an additional $ 37 million, to be exact.

Ballon, a mother of two, wanted to believe that “someone really donated the $ 37 million,” but she knew that it was too good to be true.

“On Tuesday evening I checked my account to see my balance. “I logged into the app and noticed $37 million,” she said. “I wanted to contact the bank, but the chat option was already closed for that day, so I sent a photo to my husband and asked why our bank account was $37 million!”

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“I said: “Wow, we have a lot of money!” the woman does not hide her admiration.

Ballon then decided to call her 39-year-old husband, Brian, who initially thought it was some kind of scam.

In the end, he contacted LegacyTexas, who told the couple that the extra money was not a Christmas miracle, but a simple mistake that occurred because the cashier entered their account number in the amount field.

The bank apologized and took the money back.

“I was hoping that somebody actually gave us that $37 million,” Ballon said. - I was a millionaire, I have a screenshot, so I can prove it. This is a real story!”

Ballon says that she even had time to think about what she was going to do with the money.

“At first I was going to donate some money and then I would invest in real estate. Even if the amount was a real transfer, I knew that the money did not belong to us. I wouldn't be able to spend money that doesn't belong to us. I dreamed about what I would do with them if I had them,” she said.

The bank said that even if Ballon had not found an error, it would eventually be detected and corrected by the bank.

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“They apologized and my husband asked the bank manager to send an explanation in writing, but they are definitely acting like it was no big deal, just a technical error,” Ballon said. — I believe they should invest a little more in their security system! You cannot transfer such a large amount without any warning.”

The bank said the “manual entry error” led to a huge temporary unforeseen risk. Ballon suggests that the error seems to have occurred due to the currency she exchanged last week.

“On Tuesday, December 10, our client made a foreign currency deposit into her LegacyTexas account. Due to fluctuations in exchange rates, all foreign currency transactions must be entered manually into our system through our back office. When our client's deposit was being entered, our representative mistakenly entered the account number in the amount field, the bank said in a statement. “Although our client brought the error to our attention and the transaction was immediately reversed except for the amount of her initial deposit, it would have been discovered and corrected during our evening processing.” Rest assured that our systems are sound and this manual entry error would have been corrected in any case.”

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