Can be fatal: nasal spray is withdrawn in the USA due to fungal infection - ForumDaily
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May be fatal: U.S. nasal spray recalls due to fungal infection

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced the recall of a nasal spray that could potentially be contaminated with fungus and can cause life-threatening fungal infections. Writes about it Slash Gear.

Photo: Shutterstock

The recall is for one batch of Allercleanse nasal spray sold under the brand name Manukaguard from NDAL MFG INC. Consumers are entitled to return the product for replacement.

The problem is a potential infection with a fungus that could harm health, which, according to the notice of withdrawal, "may require medical or surgical intervention."

In the meantime, people with suppressed immune systems are at risk of contracting a life-threatening invasive fungal infection. At the time of the recall, the company said it had not received any reports of adverse effects caused by the recalled nasal spray. But the review notes that anyone using a nasal spray and believes they may have side effects should see a doctor.

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Only one batch of nasal spray was recalled, which was sold in a cardboard box, one product per package:

  • UPC "858631002128",
  • batch number "2010045"
  • shelf life "BB 10/2023"

The product was sold throughout the United States through retail stores, distributors, and Amazon.

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NDAL MRG INC, which is responsible for the review, advises that customers can contact Manuka Guard support with questions. Users have the right to return the product to where they bought it, or throw it away altogether, but in any case, the review says, they should stop using this nasal spray.

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In the U.S. FDA product recall
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