Children can be poisoned: popular over-the-counter medicine is being recalled in the USA - ForumDaily
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Children can be poisoned: popular OTC drug is withdrawn in the USA

More than 430 bottles of Excedrin pain relievers have been recalled due to a manufacturing defect that could cause the pills to fall out of the bottle and pose a risk to children. USA Today.

Photo: Shutterstock

On December 23, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the manufacturer of Excedrin, announced the recall of its over-the-counter aspirin and acetaminophen products sold nationwide from March 2018 to September 2020.

Products such as Excedrin Migraine Caplets, Excedrin Migraine Geltabs, Excedrin Extra Strength Caplets, Excedrin PM Headache Caplets, and Excedrin Tension Headache Caplets violate the Poison Prevention Packaging Act. This law requires childproof packaging for both prescription and non-prescription drug sales.

A complete list of products can be found on the GSK website.

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The Excedrin vials were sourced from a third party, GSK claims to have sold nationwide and online. No incidents were reported.

Tablet vials without holes in the bottom can be stored and used according to standard guidelines published on the Consumer Product Safety Commission website, out of the reach of children. However, those with holes can be returned to GlaxoSmithKline for a full refund.

In October, the company announced it was discontinuing sales of the drug, but there was no talk of a complete product recall at that time.

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