Microbes in airplanes: how not to get sick during the flight - ForumDaily
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Microbes in airplanes: how not to get sick during the flight

Quarantine passengers on a flight on an Emirates flight in New York. An outbreak of flu-like symptoms on two American Airlines flights from Europe. A passenger with measles on Southwest Airlines. After this series of diseases on board the aircraft, some travelers worry about their health at an altitude of 30 000 feet (9 km).

Фото: Depositphotos

What you need to do on the plane so as not to get sick:

  1. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that this is the most important measure to combat infection, and they are the first to recommend it to prevent the spread of disease in commercial aircraft.
  2. Take an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (CDC recommends at least 60% alcohol) in case there is no water nearby.
  3. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  4. Direct the vent holes into your seat to improve ventilation.
  5. Wipe the armrests and the table with sanitary napkins and use the napkins to open the toilet door.
  6. Put a mask on your face if you are sitting next to someone who is coughing or sneezing. CDC recommends that flight crews use them when dealing with sick passengers with respiratory symptoms.
  7. Choose a window seat and try not to get up from your seat. This was among the recommendations of a study published in March on the spread of respiratory viruses on airplanes.
  8. Ask the flight attendant to change the seat, if possible, to retire from the sick passenger.
  9. Consult the CDC website for tips and advice when traveling around the world.
  10. Do not fly when you are really sick. The CDC recommends that travelers stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever has passed.

But what about these unpleasant charges for changing the date of departure (200 dollars plus any difference in fees)?

There are two possible solutions: buy insurance when booking a ticket (but you will not be compensated if you buy it after you get sick) or kindly explain your situation to an airline support representative (offering to provide a certificate from your doctor).

Southwest Airlines is the only major airline that doesn't charge a fee to change tickets to non-refundable tickets. Travelers receive credit to use on future trips.

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