US authorities have expanded the coverage area of the CBP One app: it now works not only in the border areas of Mexico
The Biden administration said Aug. 3 it would expand areas across much of southern Mexico where migrants can apply online to enter the United States. This will potentially reduce the burden on the Mexican government and reduce the danger for people trying to reach the US border to claim asylum, reports Voice of America.
Migrants will be able to make appointments through the CBP One app from the states of Chiapas and Tabasco, located in southern Mexico. Thus, the zone that previously covered northern and central Mexico will be expanded, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said.
The move was made at the request of Mexico, which is increasingly cooperating with the United States on issues of controlling migration flows.
The innovation will eliminate the need for migrants to travel north through Mexico to make one of the 1450 applications available daily. According to representatives of the department, the new rule will come into force in the near future, but specific dates were not given.
“We continually engage with our partners in the Government of Mexico to adjust policies and practices in response to recent migration trends,” CBP said in a statement.
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The statement confirmed words spoken on August 2 by Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena. She said closer relations with the United States had sharply reduced illegal migration since late last year.
U.S. officials said Mexico's effective legal system has helped sharply reduce the number of arrests for illegally crossing the U.S. border in the first half of 2024. Mexican officials have stepped up their presence at highway and railroad checkpoints leading to the U.S. border.
In June, the United States temporarily suspended processing asylum applications for those entering the country illegally, making CBP one of the few legal routes for migrants to enter the U.S. to seek asylum and further reducing illegal entry. United States officials said arrests for illegal border crossers fell 30% in July from the previous month, the lowest level of Joe Biden's presidency and the lowest since September 2020.
“We were able to significantly reduce tensions at the border, and this helped strengthen our relationship with the United States. This relationship is developing very dynamically and positively,” Barcena said on August 2.
More than 680 people made appointments with CBP One at eight Mexican land crossings into the U.S. between the app's introduction in January 000 and June 2023. These people are mainly Venezuelans, Cubans and Haitians. Recently, US authorities limited the number of places for Mexicans due to the large number of applicants from this country.
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The danger of traveling through Mexico, where they could be kidnapped or robbed, has prompted many migrants to fly to CBP One appointments in northern border cities such as Tijuana. Until now it was Mexico City.
Migrants typically arrive in Mexico via Chiapas or Tabasco from Guatemala. Mexico City may offer more job opportunities and relative safety, but the cost of living is higher, prompting some migrants to set up camp right in Mexico's capital.
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