Astronomical events of December: meteor showers, winter solstice, planetary motion
December will be a month rich in astronomical events. The opposition of Jupiter, planetary occultations and the winter solstice are just some of them. What interesting things await astronomy lovers in the December sky, the publication tells Travel & Leisure.
December 7: Jupiter Opposition
Jupiter will be in opposition to the Sun, making it especially bright. The planet will be visible all night, rising in the east-northeast in the evening and setting in the west before dawn.
December 7-8: Moon meets Saturn
On the night of December 7, the Moon and Saturn will come together on the southern horizon. Residents of Indonesia, Japan and the eastern Philippines will be able to see the lunar occultation of Saturn.
December 13: Moon near Pleiades
The Pleiades cluster, made up of more than 1000 stars, will be easy to spot tonight alongside the nearly full Moon and Jupiter.
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December 13: Geminid Meteor Shower
The Geminids are one of the most intense meteor showers, with up to 150 "shooting stars" per hour. This year, visibility will be partially hampered by the 90 percent illumination of the Moon, but it is still worth trying to observe the shower away from city lights.
December 17-18: Lunar occultation of Mars
On December 17, the Moon will approach Mars, and on the night of December 17-18, it will cover it in an occultation that will last from 2:45 to 5:45.
December 21: Winter Solstice
Winter officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the longest night of the year, which you can spend hunting for the Northern Lights or enjoying the southern summer.
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December 22-23: Ursid Meteor Shower
The Ursids, the last meteor shower of the year, peaks on December 22-23. It is less intense, with a small number of meteors per hour, but is worth some attention. The shower is visible in the region of the constellation Ursa Minor, especially before moonrise around 00:40 hours.
These events offer a unique opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the night sky before the end of the year.
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