Max Barskikh goes on tour in the USA
At the beginning of April, Max Borsky's US-Canadian tour will take place - the most rotated artist in the territory of the CIS countries, whose songs on the radio have sounded over one and a half million times on 2017 a year.
As part of the international tour “The Fogs,” Max Barsky gave about 200 concerts in 15 countries, in most of which all tickets were sold out a few weeks before the start of the tour. At the same time, the song "Mists" ranks first among radio singles across the CIS in the category "Male vocals".
For 2017 year, Max Barsky won an award M1 Music Awards in the nomination “Singer of the Year”, scored millions of views of the video “My Love” in a matter of days and gave a super-sold-out concert at the Kiev Sports Palace, which was worked on by one of the best producers of Ukraine - Alan Badoev.
As part of the American tour, Barsky will visit the following cities:
- 6 April - Seattle;
- 7 April - Los Angeles;
- 8 April - San Francisco;
- 11 April - Denver;
- 12 April - Miami;
- 14 April - Chicago;
- 15 April - New York.
The concerts in America will feature songs from the artist's latest album, favorite hits of the past years and unreleased tracks that can be heard for the first time only as part of the tour.
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Six spring activities not to be missed
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