Ugly food stores: there are sites in the USA that allow you to significantly save on products - ForumDaily
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Ugly food stores: in the US there are sites that allow you to significantly save on groceries

An expensive product that is central to our existence is food. But, as it turned out, not all food reaches the consumer, most of it is thrown away due to the “wrong” appearance. But there are three sites in the US that not only save "imperfect" products, but also save you money. Edition Market Watch told what these sites are and why they do it.

Photo: Shutterstock

According to the USDA and waste management company RTS, which compiled a comprehensive report on food waste in the United States, about 30% of food in American grocery stores is wasted. US retail stores produce about 16 billion pounds (7,2 million tons) of food waste each year, thrown away for reasons that range from food stains to an approaching expiration date (usually set by a large margin) or the wrong color lid on a perfectly good can of sauce for pastes.

This is where food delivery apps come in, like Misfits market и Imperfect Foods. They act as a link between grocery stores, restaurants, wholesalers and, in general, with customers.

“We think there is an incredible opportunity to turn food waste and food inefficiencies into value propositions for the end consumer,” said Abhi Ramesh, CEO and co-founder of Misfits Market.

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Misfits started with "non-ideal" vegetables as well as fruits and expanded to include meat, seafood, baked goods, and dairy products. They operate in 48 states and see growth in demand for beauty, health and other household products.

Ramesh explains the situation this way: if the grocery store has a special offer, such as a ribeye steak, typical sirloin shoppers may buy the steak, which leaves too much sirloin for the butcher. The store may give a discount on the sirloin, but in the end, the customer substituting one piece for another may leave too much perishable stock. This is where Misfits can step in with their fast delivery service.

It's the same story with salmon. American retail standards call for a perfectly rectangular fillet. This means that after trimming, the wholesaler is left with nutritious but slightly rounded fillet ends that will soon be packaged for Misfits at a big discount.

Cost savings

Ramesh said shoppers can expect to pay 20-50% less for their Misfits order than they would at a retail grocery store. It might be especially tempting right now, given rising food inflation and higher gas prices eating into a large household budget.

Promotions and sales appear from time to time on both Misfits and Imperfect Foods, which include a plant-based section, their own branded line, such as ground coffee, and health products.

Ramesh said that while inflation affects all businesses, including himself, he has "fewer touchpoints" in the supply chain.

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“It can be just a farm, a fulfillment center and a customer,” he explained. “Inflation affects us less than a traditional grocery store. And therefore, if prices there grow by 15%, in our country they will rise only by a few percent.”

Food resale sites emphasize that costly waste in your own refrigerator is less likely if you buy everything on time and in the right quantities.

Moreover, sites sometimes buy directly from wholesalers or manufacturers.

Basically, sites directly cooperate with suppliers when the goods can quickly deteriorate. For example, while fruits and vegetables reach the store shelves, they go through a long chain and it is unprofitable to take “ugly” fruits from the store, since they have already lost precious time for storage and, accordingly, for sale. And it’s easier to weed them out right away from the supplier, and it also gives extra time.

Instead, manufacturers or wholesalers will sell this product to "imperfect" goods companies. Sometimes, fruit crops in particular, have to be harvested early to ensure transportation, storage and sale. Because of this, you can often find unripe fruits in the store.

For example, Misfits Market offers seasonal peaches and apricots, as well as additional training on how to store, prepare, and prepare stone fruit.

How to find and order "imperfect" food

Rotating inventory and many standards run into the hundreds at Misfits Market and Imperfect Foods, as well as competing Hungry harvest. The sites make it easy for you to place your order. You just need to go in, choose what you need and enter all the necessary data.

Celebrity chef Bobby Flay is partnering with the Misfits on recipe ideas as he and other employees work to normalize food life extension.


Imperfect Foods has a counter on their website. To date, he has saved 166 pounds (422 tons) of food from a trash can. The company aims to increase its operations to zero emissions by 948.

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As for Misfits, its cardboard packaging boxes are 100% recyclable, and the company is testing sustainable packaging that protects products in transit. In warmer weather, the company uses non-toxic ice packs made from a water-based formula. Instead of plastic grocery bags, plant-based bags are being used.

Misfits, for its part, aims to eradicate food deserts in America by 2025.

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