Leader of American neo-Nazis fled to Russia and coordinated crimes in the USA from there - ForumDaily
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The leader of American neo-Nazis fled to Russia and from there coordinated the crimes in the USA

46-year-old American Rinaldo Nazzaro is an experienced neo-Nazi. For propaganda on the Internet, including in the Telegram messenger, he used the pseudonyms “Norman Spear” and “Roman Wolf.” In 2018, Nazzaro created The Base, one of the most dangerous paramilitary organizations operating until recently in the United States. How did I find out? with the BBC, at about the same time, Nazzaro with his wife, a citizen of Russia, moved from New York to St. Petersburg.

Photo: YouTube screen

The FBI is now closely involved in organizing The Base: seven of its alleged members have been arrested and charged with various crimes, including a conspiracy to kill.

Find Nazzaro

The FBI describes The Base as a "racially motivated paramilitary extremist group" that "seeks to overthrow the U.S. government, incite a race war, and establish an ethnostate for the white race."

The Base recruited participants over the Internet. Communication took place in secure messengers. Then they went to a kind of military training camp.

A video in The Base’s Telegram channel shows how a dozen professionally equipped men shoot cardboard targets in a forest with machine guns, arrange torchlight processions, and burn US flags. The venue of these events is not specified.

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The real name of the leader of the organization for a long time remained unknown. However, on January 24, the Guardian announced that his name was Rinaldo Nazzaro. According to the results of its own investigation, the BBC came to the same conclusion.

In messengers, Nazzaro called himself “Norman Spear,” but used his real photo on his avatar.

The same man - sometimes with a beard, sometimes without - is depicted in photographs published by Rinaldo Nazzaro's wife and her relatives on Russian social networks. In one of the photographs, Nazzaro is captured with his Russian family, in the center of the table - a bottle of vodka and a herring under a fur coat.

Nazzaro's wife is Russian. She moved to New York in 2008 and at one time worked at JPMorgan Chase, according to her resume. She married Nazzaro in 2012, and the couple now has two children.

From time to time, a woman visits the United States: she recently published a photo on VKontakte with a view of New York Bay, accompanied by a comment about “home comfort.”

According to this photo, the BBC managed to establish an apartment in the United States, where Nazzaro was registered and, perhaps, his mother and stepfather are now living. The Base Global company is registered at the same address, which in 2018 bought a plot of agricultural land in Washington state.

Before moving to Russia, Nazzaro ran Omega Solutions International, New York business records show. On its website, the company offered the services of a “network of security professionals” with skills in psychological operations, intelligence, counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency.

“Our employees have worked with various government and military departments, including during military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan,” the site stated. The BBC was unable to find out whether Nazzaro actually traveled to hot spots.

At the registration address of the company, the BBC found only a mailbox. But the registries indicate that the company still pays insurance premiums.

Tar Lane

In St. Petersburg, Rinaldo Nazzaro gave private English lessons, posted ads on the Internet. The telephone number indicated in them belongs to his wife, but she did not answer the calls and SMS messages of the BBC.

Photo: Google Maps

In 2019, after moving, Nazzaro visited the annual exhibition “Integrated Security” in Moscow at VDNKh. According to the exhibition’s website, it was organized by order of the Russian government and is aimed “at demonstrating the results of state policy and achievements in the field of ensuring the security of the country, its population and territory.”

The guest list includes officials, diplomats, employees of Russian defense enterprises, research institutes and private security companies.

In one of the public videos, the Nazzaro family travels in a compartment carriage to Cheboksary - to visit Rinaldo’s mother-in-law. He is wearing a black T-shirt with the image of Vladimir Putin and the inscription in English “Russia, absolute power” (“Russia, absolute power”) - the same ones are sold in underground passages in Moscow.

In 2018, Nazzaro’s wife purchased an apartment in the elite residential complex “House at the Town Hall” on Degtyarny Lane in St. Petersburg, 200 meters from the building where 13 city administration committees are located. Now apartments there cost from 18 million rubles. From this apartment, Nazzaro could coordinate the work of The Base.

On social networks, Norman Spear published materials from the British neo-Nazi organization National Action, which is banned in Britain itself. Currently, 11 members of the group have been convicted of extremism, and four more are on trial.

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“Norman Spear” also admired Al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization banned in Russia and other countries, whose name translates from Arabic as “The Base,” which is identical to The Base.

At the end of 2019, the FBI foiled the attempted murder of an anti-fascist couple and their children. Three people were detained - all of them turned out to be alleged members of The Base.

During interrogation in January of this year, they stated that the group leader taught them how to communicate in code words. And that, using this code, they informed the leader about the preparation of the crime. The murder of anti-fascists was planned for February.

The leader of The Base advised them not to take public responsibility for the crime, since “the signal will already be extremely clear and will lead to an acceleration [of the start of the race war].”

After the recent arrest of members of The Base, “Roman Wolf” (aka “Norman Spear”, aka Rinaldo Nazzaro) said on the group’s Telegram channel: “We will continue our fight for survival without embarrassment.”

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