How much is life in Texas - ForumDaily
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How much is life in Texas photo

The metropolis of Dallas-Fort Worth is often called the Texas Silicon Valley. photo

How much does life cost in the USA is a question to which no one can give you a definite answer. And if they try, rest assured that you will not hear the whole truth. Each state—and even each city—will have a different cost of living. Moreover, with a huge difference.

In a cost-of-living survey in Texas, I draw on the experience of our spending and on information from local residents.

Texas is the second largest state in the United States by territory (after Alaska) and the second largest by population (after California). The NASA space center and Boeing office are located here. The minimum wage in Texas is $8 per hour. Tax 8,25%. The unemployment rate is 4,2% (US average is 5,4%).

Let me say in advance that the examples I give are something in between. Everyone can find something cheaper or more expensive. After all, each family has its own priorities, its own concept of comfort and quality. My credo is comfortable and safe shopping without any frills.


Texas is considered almost the cheapest state in terms of real estate. The houses here are huge and cheap. For $ 200 thousand, you can buy yourself a mansion (at least, in the understanding of our immigrant, it will be a mansion).

Rent of a one-room apartment in Houston, in the city itself, not in the suburban part - on average $1000 per month. You can find cheaper ones in the suburbs. As a rule, an apartment for that kind of money will be rented unfurnished. If you want to find it with furniture, prepare one and a half thousand. That is why many choose the first option and buy used furniture. Finding furniture from an ad is not difficult, because moving is common for many Americans, and not everyone moves with sofas and cabinets.


There is no public transport in Texas, as we understand it. Something runs along the main streets, but you can’t count on buses in everyday life. With such a huge territory, where everything is at different ends, you need a car. Rent - $70 per day or $1000 per month. For the same money you can buy, as they say, a “bucket”. A more decent car can be found for $5000.


Medical and auto insurance. If the company you work for doesn't pay for insurance, then be prepared to spend about $ 400 per month for a family of 3 people. And it will be one of the easiest insurance. To insure the car costs from $ 70 per month.


For an 3 family, it takes us, on average, $ 550 per month. This is without restaurants, for I am a great cook myself. Stores are divided into expensive and cheaper. You just need to decide for yourself which option is more acceptable for the family.

On average, food prices are as follows: bread - $2.50, 12 eggs - $2.30, chicken fillet - $6 per pound (almost half a kilo), cheese - $11.50, potatoes - $2.30.

Texas - the second, after Alaska, the largest US state. Photo: Depositphotos

Texas is the second largest state in the United States, after Alaska. Photo: Depositphotos

Travel and Leisure

Movie ticket - $10 per person. To enter the museum, prepare at least $13 per person.

Refueling the car, you need to keep in mind that the price of gasoline today may differ markedly from the price that was yesterday. Gasoline ranged from $ 1,69 to $ 2,35 per gallon (liters of 3,78) for a year. The price changes instantly, following the change in the price of oil.


Gasoline ranged from $ 1,69 to $ 2,35 per gallon (liters of 3,78) for a year. Photos from the personal archive.

If you decide to travel around the state, be prepared to pay for a hotel: American standard hotels with breakfast start at $100 per night, motels can be found for $60, but there you can easily see traces of lipstick on your linen.

Food in the catering

Small fast food snack - $6. Everything else is higher. On average, a dish costs $10 plus a drink. Tea-coffee - $2-4, glass of wine - $10. Ordering a large pizza home will cost $20 plus tip, which here is 18-20% and is carefully calculated in advance and included in the check.


If you want to send your child to kindergarten for 3 half days (that is, only until lunch), prepare approximately $300 per month. And for this money you will most likely find a kindergarten at a church. If you're looking for a full day, all week garden, expect to spend between $800 and $1500.


If, for example, you are flying with your husband, who was invited to work, and you, having nothing better to do, want to study, keep in mind that the cheapest education is from $10 a year. And the more prestigious the place, the more expensive it costs to study. There are a lot of courses offered in painting, modeling, sewing and other things that will help pass the time. Price - $000-80 for classes 100 times a week.


We attend many free festivals and events. There are plenty of them here. The administration of some municipality constantly organizes dances, concerts, or film screenings. But there are also many paid events. And the stars come, and exhibitions take place. Entry to the exhibition starts from $25. If you like to read, books are expensive, starting from $15 for a best-selling hardcover.


There are a lot of clothes sold, and they cost very differently. Let's consider the lower limits: T-shirt - $10-15, sweatshirt - $20-30, jeans - $30-50, sneakers - from $30. Children's clothes cost from $8 per blouse. But the main thing is that you can buy all this at sales with real discounts of up to 70%. One day I was at a store closing with 95% discounts.


I can't help but add another source of expense. Since Texas is one of the most religious states, sooner or later you will probably join a church. And the amount of generally accepted donations for charitable causes is 10% of the salary. Most Texans we know arrange for this tithe to be transferred directly from work to church. But, this is, of course, optional.

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