Lifehacks I collected for the 53 flight

I really, really love to travel. I wonder how the airplanes are arranged, how the landing process is organized, what the flight attendants show with mimicry to one another, I like to observe landscapes from the window, I like one-time acquaintances at airports and terminals. I take seriously the choice of location and food on the plane, track airline stocks and pick up leyover, collect miles and even participate in competitions - in general, you understand, everything is serious.
Over the 3,5 of the year, I had a 53 flight, of which 22 was last year. 4 flight is already scheduled in the near future. Statistics lead in JetLovers (he collects information on security officers at airports) - the service counted only 47 flights, and this is 1,6 times around the Earth or 16% to the Moon.
On my account flights with Czech airlines, Turkish airlines, Virgin America, KLM, Airfrance, Lufthansa, Ukraine International (they are MAU), Ryanair, Spirit and Wizzair.
8 facts about my user experience
- my flights were sometimes delayed and canceled, but nevertheless most of them flew on schedule;
- Once I did not have time to dock because of the airline’s fault, I received a food voucher at Prague Airport and flew on the next flight;
- my luggage was never lost and it was never inspected outside of my presence; once missed with nail scissors in hand luggage;
- just flew twice maximum light;
- at the check-in for the flight in Barcelona, the airport employee decided to upgrade my flight to business class herself, because there were places — thanks to her. As they say, this is an experience that greatly raises the bar;
- once there was a forced overnight at the airport: the plane flew and circled over the foggy city for an hour, as it could not land, so we flew back, where we waited more 10 hours until the fog cleared (the hotel room was not provided);
- I experienced the most severe turbulence during the flight to Ibiza - it was so scary that many people prayed and cried out loud; it seemed that if we survive, then after landing we will all come out together and have a smoke together with the pilots;
- the most spectacular flight was from Auckland to Las Vegas (above Death Valley).
For my 53 flights, I collected hints and a very subjective airline digest.
Purchase tickets
I’ll say right away that I’m not a low-cost proponent, as for me, they are suitable only for ultrashort flights and where the rest fly for absolutely unreasonable money (for example, from Kiev to Budapest except for flights Wizzair no way to get there quickly). I recommend to subscribe to all airlines (at least those that fly from the airports closest to you) and track promotions. That is how I bought tickets at very good prices from good airlines (with meals and luggage). Seriously, Wizzair cost me more than Lufthansa ☺
Remember that there is always a place for ambush with low-cost carriers: flight transfers, selling more tickets than seats on the plane, walking on the airfield to a bright future, a glass of water for 5 euros and toilet rooms without paper. Ryanair for the lack of a print about an online checkin, 50 is wiping euros from the nose (a couple in front of me broke up with a hundred euros at the reception before the start of the holiday), since there was no printer in the entire terminal.
Register at the same time in all loyalty programs. When buying a ticket, immediately indicate the loyalty program member number. Earn miles — it's easier than it sounds. You will very quickly find that you can get a reward ticket or two for miles, and also upgrade flights to business class. If you have an advantage, then with the airline card you will most likely be let in without penalties (checked for UIA and Airfrance). If suddenly plans change, and a ticket is bought at a non-refundable rate and a fine is required for failure to appear, then you can usually pay off with miles.
There is an old advice - buy tickets in incognito mode browser, sometimes the price varies depending on your web history. In my experience, prices for flights are lower from Monday to Thursday, and starting from Friday they start to grow - this is about the day when you choose tickets. Fly is also better on weekdays - flights are freer, and the price of tickets, as a rule, lower. The more inconvenient time and docking, the lower the price. Loukosta cheaper due to uncomfortable airports / connections / flights.
I am looking for the right flights on aggregator type sites anywayanyway and onetwotripbut never buy from them. Just because, having found there tickets, I go to the airline's website, and, as a rule, there is the same price (or a very small discrepancy). If you buy tickets in advance, it is very possible that something will change (time of departure or model of the aircraft, and therefore seating in the cabin) and the airline will warn the reseller, and not you personally. 99%, that dealers will not warn you because of the steam or some other circumstances. You may arrive at the airport too soon or too late - this is a lottery. There is, of course, the option to check the status of flights on the airport / airline website and in special services, but not all and not always remember this.
KLM and Airfrance often work in pairs, which means you will most likely be on your way to the Leuover destination (docked up to the 24 watch) in Paris, and on the opposite - in Amsterdam (or vice versa): if you have a Schengen multivisa, this is a cool opportunity see both cities. In general, docking is not bad if you know how to cook them. Often they make your ticket cheaper and life more interesting.
By the way, Icelandic airlines position leyover in Reykjavik as an advantage - “others offer you miles, we offer you time” - that is, you can extend your leyover for a whole week and you will get almost full vacation on the way to vacation. I really love the connections in Istanbul - it's silly to sit at the airport if you can eat a balyk Ekmek on the embankment!
Site Selection
If you are registered in the loyalty program, then you have a personal account where you can watch your tickets and personalize your profile - choose places near the window or at the aisle, indicate your preference for food and much more. In your account KLM even indicate the contact number of the person who will be called in the event of an emergency. By the way, from now on the airline will wish you a happy birthday! The most interesting greeting in 2014 was from Lufthansa: I was greeted by the captain of the ship.
I prefer window seats, but a number I choose on the site Seatguru. Of course, chic is a place with extra legroom, where there is a good view, and not an airplane wing, and preferably at the beginning, not the tail, to be among the first to go to passport control. I usually have places somewhere in the 4 through 11 range. Right or left - depends on where and at what time we fly and what I want to see. I choose on or
It happens that for some reason you have a place in the middle or at the aisle, but the plane still has empty seats at the window. We must wait for the phrase to sound Boarding is completed and immediately change to one of them (no need to wait for something and ask for the permission of the flight attendants, unless, of course, you have ordered special food and still want to get it).
If possible, I upgrade to a premium economy or business class. Once I took an award ticket in economy class, but this is not very profitable, because you pay airport fees, which cannot be called pennies, but the upgrade is definitely worth it.
Not only because of comfort - consider that this is an investment, because such a flight takes you to a different social level, opens up new personal and business horizons.
At the company KLM there is a service Meet and seat - you login using Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn - this is seen by other passengers on the flight, and you can see their profiles. So you can choose an interesting travel companion.
And Virgin airlines there is a chat - you can write a message to the whole plane or to a person sitting in a specific place. “Hello, A11! I noticed you still in the terminal, ”in the same place you can order some food for yourself and any person on the flight.
Now about airline companies
Ukraine International Airlines. Registration usually runs smoothly, but there are stupid (like everywhere else). On flights of up to 3 hours, tea, coffee and water are served (they are trying to put flights into 2: 55, just so as not to feed). When they were fed - food in economy points on 2 – 3 from 10, they often forgot about special orders - they ordered the kosher sandwich only once. Cons: food, which can be ordered for a fee, is not at all desirable. For “mivinu” downright ashamed. Pros: relatively low price and convenient to fly from Odessa.
Business Class - very decent, I liked everything: food in dishes, decent coffee, a selection of magazines and newspapers, there is dry French and Spanish wines, a pillow for legs and attentive staff. Powered by 7 points from 10.
Pros: there is access to the business lounge of the airport and if everyone is brought to the plane by bus, then you are traveling in a separate minibus, waiting for everyone to push in and then go to the salon.
Premium economy on long haul flights - as a business class. If you're lucky, you will, like me, sleep sweetly on 3's wide armchairs. Pros: seating 2 – 3 – 2, when in economy 3 – 4 – 3, the seats are wider, 2 toilets for a little more than 20 passengers, constantly wear drinks; convenient time of departure from New York: at night, due to this you get enough sleep and there is no jet lag.
Minus: there are no screens in front of each seat, even in premium economy.
KLM. Meals on short flights - 5 points from 10.
Pros: a large selection of special food (no salt, no meat, etc.); notification of changes to the flight on Twitter; super-fast and super-polite support (you can decide everything on Twitter and tweet); alliance with Airfrance and UIA.
Airfrance. Meals on short flights - 6 points from 10, on long ones - 7 (by special menu - for the whole nine).
Pros: during taxiing, background French music, captain ship jokes (“Grayscale 50 in Paris today ...”, “turbulence, turbulence, turbulence” instead of sad explanations); on the long-haul - an excellent menu choice (Italian, fish, etc.) and must be served Camembert and liqueur; from pleasant things - give wet wipes before planting and you can take the press in English and French. For the first time on their flight read from cover to cover The Wall Street Journal. Alliance with KLM and UIA.
Chech airlines. Meals on short flights - 5 from 10 points (remember the stew in thick gravy with pasta - a dish for an amateur). Pros: the seats are equipped with screens, the pre-flight safety saga is broadcast there.
Turkish Airlines. Meals on short trips (even one and a half hours) - 10 from 10 due to delicious dishes from fresh produce (the only ones serve delicious fresh salads). No wonder they win contests. On 8 March, all the girls at the registration were presented with a box of chocolates. ☺
Virgin America. Excellent - all top marks. Food costs money, but the menu and ease of ordering are delivered (you select on the screen, see a detailed description, pay by card right there on the spot - and the steward will already bring you the food). Separately, I would like to note a great video about how to fasten seat belts.
Lufthansa. Powered by 7 of 10 points. Like the Czechs, Germans often serve meat dishes by default, although they also have special menus (even gluten-free food!). Service is good - the staff is attentive. From personal advantages: you can practice German with them ☺
Spirit. Typical low cost, which often delays flights. Nothing particularly good, but nothing especially bad. Free to fly with a small handbag or backpack. When selling a ticket, they are trying to sell a bunch of additional services. It is important to check in on the flight in advance and print the boarding.
Wizzair. I flew them once and no longer want. Cons: the separation of VIP passengers looks funny, they pass the front desk for the first time, but travel with you on the same bus. The bus is zoned - the wipes are separated by ribbons, and they get off the bus first, while everyone else is waiting for them to dive into the salon. There is no possibility to choose a place in advance. In some directions for the luggage you have to pay separately
In Budapest, you will go to a separate concrete structure without any repairs and conditions on the airfield and undergo a tedious preflight procedure there (well, at least they didn’t undress the gas!), And then walk to the plane. The speakers work loudly and you are constantly advertised their paid services during the flight - headphones with music do not save, which is very intrusive from the airline. Due to the low price, the contingent leaves much to be desired - I'm talking about the volume, tone and vocabulary of the conversations around. Perhaps someone was luckier and the memories were bright.
Ryanair. With them, I had that terrible flight to Ibiza, since it lasted only an hour. I don’t remember any service, because of the turbulence, it seems even water was not supplied. The places are occupied on a first-come, first-served basis, but once I managed to fix one specific place on the check-in with me without any additional payments. They changed the departure gate and did not even bother to report in English, they had to follow the Spanish-speaking crowd. But overall, I would give them another chance.
Blog published by permission Kate lopez
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