A $1 bill can bring you up to $150: collectors buy special banknotes dearly - ForumDaily
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A $1 bill can bring you up to $150: collectors buy expensive banknotes

Before spending $1 from your wallet, do a little research. You may have more money than you think. U.S. numismatists are willing to pay $150 looking for rare one dollar bills with a specific misprint from the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Writes about it MSN.

Photo: IStock

Two batches of one-dollar bills were printed (one in 2014, the other in 2016) with this particular error, and the notes went into circulation before it was discovered.

class="p1">Over 6 million misprinted dollar bills in circulation

In November 2014, the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing sent a request to its Washington DC facility to print a batch of one dollar bills. In July 2016, the same request was sent to a facility in Fort Worth.

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This resulted in dollars being printed with duplicate serial numbers, making them technically fake. As a rule, each banknote in circulation has a unique serial number to identify it.

None of the typos were found by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and now currency collectors want to find matching pairs of dollar bills with these duplicate serial numbers.

In total, there are 6,4 million pairs of one dollar bills with the same serial numbers. While this may seem like a lot, there are billions of dollars in circulation and only nine pairs have been found to date.

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class="p1">How the bug was discovered

The error went unnoticed until a banknote collector discovered an anomaly in publicly available documents from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. He filed a Freedom of Information Act request for details. The government acknowledged the error and the presence of 6,4 million pairs of banknotes with matching serial numbers.

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